The Primary Deck Reflections 2010 (both threads)


(((kabang))) You do have lots going on right now! Hang in there!

KG, safe travels! I hate living out of a suitcase(or 4). Did it for 6 months a few years back.

Onyx, I hope your stretch of long work shifts goes quickly and smoothly!

Chiska, welcome to our gang! I've got to get over and visit your blog, yet!

Paul and inanna, you guys make me feel guilty for not posting....:p

Me? I've been slacking on the journaling. I've been busy with work, and making another bag and spending too much time on AT.

I've got some time this weekend to get caught up with everyone and post an entry or 2, myself!


I am so far behind in posting! lol

But suppose I am the example where one can just read with the cards and not do any journaling. It's just a pain in the ass.

I hate to do this, but I have to change my deck, again. BrightEye whipped out her Gran Tarot Esoterico and I am hooked! I have been wanting to explore the faces of the zodiac and incorporate more astrology into my readings. I can easily tie in what I am learning from Minderwiz's mini-course in traditional approaches. Though the Minchiate offers this, El Gran Tarot Esoterico offers this in spades (pun intended!)

The Guided Hermit

It's interesting how we,as a group, tend to pick up the subconscious influences from each other. I've been delving deeper into to astrological influences in the cards too, especially in regards to Modes in Dignity analysis....

My daily is up and I made my first go at looking the Modes of my cards. I love the PDR!


Hi everyone!

Um, I've been very bad, and slacking on posting and reading with the BG and such. The minute I sign up for something...bam! Things change. ;)

After a bit of a tarot shopping spree, I've had two decks calling my name! So I'd like to change my PDR to both the Golden Tarot of Klimt and the World Spirit, please. :D

Yes, this has to be one of the oddest combinations ever. The Klimt is straight up, tell it like it is, whereas the World Spirit is fun and offers a lot of areas to explore. We'll see how it goes. ;)

And I'll do my best to blog more regularly about them, and pop in here to let you all know how it's going.



The Guided Hermit

Good morning and happy Sunday to you all!

The morning post is posted and I'm itching to do some readings today. I have two new TdM decks that have caught my fancy :)

Later, I'm taking my son out to watch an International High School rugby final taking place in our town. Sun screen and water required today. It's hitting the 80's.

Time for left over pizza and tea....


My full moon reading has been posted to my website. :D With the World Spirit.

It almost reads ironically, as you'll find out. ;) I do love it, so many visual cues! Especially the eight of cups, with 3 cups on the shore, and 5 in the reflection. Very thought provoking!


The Guided Hermit

The daily is posted.

I love how one card (in this case the Eight of Cups) can appear as my Guiding card one day and then appear as my Theme Card the next, especially when I used two different VIA decks over the past two days. Add to that the fact that I fan out my cards....

Lesson learned my Guides!


i sucked so majorly at doing a daily for a week..



Realized today that I need to go much deeper in my studies of Gaian Tarot and in the process of healing that have followed by doing readings and daily cards with this deck, than I prefer showing openly on the blog. Some things really should be kept private after all. So I am on a hiatus for a bit, not sure if I will return or not. Gaian Tarot will still be my PDR deck, but I will keep it to Pen and Paper from now on.

Thank you for the great iniative Onyx and good PDRing!

The Guided Hermit

Good luck with your private work Bloudwedd....

My daily is posted. This is a day for getting business matters in hand and for getting things done. It feels goooooood!