Cards for healing sickness?


What specific cards from which decks would you want to look at to help you heal from sickness/nausea?


The Tower and the Hanging Man? }) OK, kidding.

I guess it would pay to look at cards that are soothing to the person, or that have some sort of soothing message. The Star comes to mind; also the Empress, and of course Temperance. Of the pips, the Four of Wands, which is all about stability. The Queen of Pentacles.

I guess it would also depend on the deck. The pips in the whole suit of coins of any Marseille deck are pretty grounding.


The Empress? She looks a kind of nurse, healing type.

Some of the cups cards maybe, they are water. 3 of cups is celebrating feeling better, 4 of cups is someone handing out that cup containing the magic potion. The nauseous person already tried the other three and don't feel any better, but this one seems to be better. 6 of cups - flowers being offered can make the poorly person feel a bit better.

Queen of cups? Queen of wands? I'm not sure why.

If things are really bad, then maybe 4 of swords.

I agree with the Star as well. The Sun?


What about cards which are predominantly one colour too?


I've never thought of using the cards in that way, so thanks for giving me another view on how use tarot, the first card that came to my mind what be the star as I see that as a healing card, I did a little bit of goggling and found a page about the healing tarot thought the link could be of interest to others that might want to look into using the cards for health or health readings.


Of course the ultimate healer and bringer of hope is the star! things won't always be this way and you will heal from this :) :thumbsup:


What specific cards from which decks would you want to look at to help you heal from sickness/nausea?

I agree with other people's remarks, the Start, Temperance, etc. I've had the 2 of Cups for healing (in the Rider Waite deck, she looks like a nurse giving medicine, and with the symbol behind, it reminds me of going to the GP).

As far as nausea itself goes, the 2 of Pentacles reminds me of feeling seasick, trying to stay on an even keel with the turbulent seas in the background. The look on his face, he looks like he's about to throw up everywhere!

The King of Cups is sitting calmly amid a sea of turbulence, and as I see this as a healing doctor type of card, if I was looking for relief from nausea, I would see the King of Cups as bringing relief.


What about cards which are predominantly one colour too?

I guess it depends on the deck. I highly doubt that something like this could induce healing on anyone... :bugeyed:

I agree with all suggestions so far, and the link is interesting. Everyone seems to agree on the Star. Interesting that the Star comes to most people's minds before Temperance, which should have been the rational choice. Maybe it has to do with the energy of the card.


The RWS Star for me isn't that relaxing to look at on account of the big prickly yellow star, and yellow is a sickly colour when people are ill? But Thoth Star seems to resonate on a more healing level- big circular completeness and relaxed posture, pouring healing energies over herself?


The RWS Star for me isn't that relaxing to look at on account of the big prickly yellow star, and yellow is a sickly colour when people are ill? But Thoth Star seems to resonate on a more healing level- big circular completeness and relaxed posture, pouring healing energies over herself?

Yellow is traditionally the color of sickness or plague, but it is also the color of creativity, gold and sunlight. So I guess it depends on the particular hue of yellow you're looking at, or even on the way it makes you feel.