Tarot of the Sephirot and Black Magic ??


Just so I understand what just happened, you asked a question, got many answers from knowledgeable people, didn't believe them and decided it didn't matter since the deck's creator is a fool?

Or maybe he is a black magician, and his web page is a cover up ?...


It is indeed OOP.
It may be easy to find if you are willing to pay up over 100 pounds for it...

Personally I like the deck a lot and used it for learning more on the spheres.


meh, I don't swoon over it. As a Kabbalistic deck, one would do better to get the Thoth or Hermetic.


Seems like a poor version of the Thoth to me, but if you like it Jema, or anyone else, it is probably fine.


I like it for the extremely amusing line drawings.....I don't know if it was meant to have a sense of humor, but somehow it does.