Many Majors


I am not really sure if this is the correct place to list this or not, but here it goes.

No matter what deck I use, or what spread I use (I usually do a 32-card monthly reading or the Cletic cross.), I always get mostly Major Arcana, &/or court cards. Someone suggested that it is because I let other people rule over me, but I am definetly someone that stands up for myself.

What other meanings could this have?


Depending on the theme of the readings you're doing, this may mean that there are outside 'things' influencing your life - people or circumstances or events that you, not only have no control over, but may not even be aware of. They may or may not be directly related to you / your life: they can be obvious or completely inobvious. This is not to say you let other people rule your life, but rather that they are influencing it whether or not you're aware.

Consequentially, it may be hinting at a period of upheaval to come.


That could be it. My life always seems to be in an upheaval!


Well to me, Major Arcana cards represent important life lessons that we are meant to learn in this lifetime to be who we are meant to become. So if you are getting a lot of them, your life is trying to teach those lessons to you.

Court Cards to me represent other people in our lives. It then becomes a matter of figuring out who a particular card represents from your real life in a particular reading. Sometimes they look like the person, other times there is a hint. I once did a reading and a Court came up with a goat in it and I knew it represented my friend who is a Capricorn,

Basically they can mean that we should consider how the person whom the card represents would handle the problem. Think of who they are and how they would treat the situation. There is a lesson you can learn from that that will help you solve your problem more easily. It might be time to try their approach on for size. And/or better still ask them how they would handle the situation.

I would say both Courts and Majors are about learning life's lessons.



Thank you. That helps a great deal. I will have to try that!


You're welcome, I hope it works well for you. :grin:

Hey we all have different ways to approach a problem. You never know when trying someone else's approach to a problem might be useful.



You may try removing all the courts & minors from the deck and reading only with majors.


IMHO majors are NOT more powerful or important than minors. This is because Tarot is a system, and I view the majors as representing universal themes & concepts AND most importantly "an overall approach" to life. Whereas the minors can be used to bring those themes down into the practical arena, to show us HOW they operate in daily events.

Leastways, thats the distinction i see between the 2 Arcana's.

Tho I do tend to think of the Majors as representing greater forces @ work .. tho NOT especially things we have no control over. But rather i tend to think of the Majors as a sign that we are being subjected to our destiny.

The minors on the other hand, and as someone else pointed out in another thread, can show us details & aspects of whatever the Major signifies. So the minors are indications of HOW the energies present in the Majors will interact/unfold/manifest.

Also IMHO the minors aren't any more OR less changeable than the Majors, given that the whole point of tarot is to try and use the card(s) to gain insight, so that we may USE the knowledge we gain in a positive way .. which at times may require us to make changes!! (Tho there might be the odd "exception" such as the card of justice, given that it can be read to imply: that things out of balance will be brought into balance on a cosmic (or legal) scale). [<< info. supplied courtesy of Thirteen].

I've also noted when reading thru previous posts where a lot of people appear to think in terms of the minors as representing the more mundane aspects of life. However, I do not share this opinion, as the minors may literally show us how the themes/energies in the majors operate in our daily lives ..& if you consider some of the concepts contained in the minors .. for eg. things like failure & defeat, these may be powerful cards in themelves.

So for me the important thing about the Majors is that they appear as SIGNS that we are/have or are about to become subjected to "something". However this something/(our destiny), does not always have to be earth shattering, so @ times the emphasis of the reading might indicate that whats truly important about the Major concerns an approach which should be followed (or avoided). For instance, IF the Major occupies the advice position of a spread &/or when the Minors are clearly showing WHAT lies in store for the querent.

& As far as our being subject to our destiny to some degree, I think the emphasis here is NOT that we have no control over our destiny, but rather that @ times we may have "little control" in this regard. One example is physical illness, where altho we have followed the doctor's orders & otherwise taken care of ourselves, we may still be subject to the common cold.

Hmmn ... majors as a sign that we are being subjected to our destiny .. YET I don't view majors are being more powerful or important than the minors ... hmmn, as I say, i guess it all comes down to the importance one places on destiny .. or rather should, the importance of the querents destiny @ the time of the reading.


[In reply to Jenessa]

You covered the major/minor issue. But what is your opinion of the multiple court cards in a reading, as well. Do you see anything significant about them?


I agree with what vernissage posted re: the significance of these types of cards >> Quote: "Depending on the theme of the readings you're doing, this may mean that there are outside 'things' influencing your life".

So a preponderance of court cards could suggest that these "outside things" are people who are somehow connected to the situation. Or in otherwords, getting a lot of courts could indicate that your situation is being affected BY a person or persons, or that the outcome is dependent on someone. So with these types of readings .. (many majors &/or courts), IMO the cards may be emphasising that you are not in control of the situation.

Courts are tricky tho, because they may OR may not relate to other people.
So for your info. heres my take on the courts:

-- For me the Court Cards represent: different personalities; or personality traits.
-- So the court cards may suggest people who are involved or somehow significant as regards your situation.
-- OR: They can also represent you or an aspect of your personality.

-- Sometimes the court cards can represent qualities that apply to: a specific situation.
-- & as such they may relate to: some inner response ... rather than an actual person.
** So The C. Cards can apply to SITUATIONS where you/(querent) needs to: demonstrate or avoid certain traits.
-- [This last ties-in with what Sun Chariot wrote re: "court cards can mean that we should consider how the person whom the card represents would handle the problem"].

-- IF the C.Card represents a person, their personality traits may represent an aspect of that person, which could be the key to your interaction.
-- OR: court cards can also appear to show us: HOW people are being effected BY the situation.
-- & Sometimes a C.Card can appear to indicate the need to: seek out someone who possesses the characteristics of the c.card. (<< especially in the outcome or advice position of a spread).

Hope this helps/REGARDS