The tower


I too love the Tower. The Tower is dynamite clearing out jams and blocks in your life. It can be painful, but I do think ultimately it is healthy, like lancing an absess.

In my current deck of choice, the WorldTree, it takes you to the next step: what do you want to build now that you have cleared out what DOESN'T work?



A few examples: explosion of joy; love at first sight; ejaculation; a sudden good surprise (although it will be disruptive), being let out of prison early, pulling down a horrid old building to make place for a lovely new house,...

...basically anything that breaks down the ego or outworn structures, whether it's welcome or not.


Yep..I've had this card come up for me on a daily draw and I got quite the pleasant surprise that rocked my world. :D


I have mixed feelings regarding the Tower. For me it often symbolizes the destruction of the hold my sadly twisted mother used to have on me, and the destruction of our relationship in general. Obviously, you can see why this would inspire mixed feelings. . .on one hand it's a good thing, because she's a very negative/destructive force in and of herself, but on the other hand, it's not the most cheering of subjects to be reminded of. :(

However, since I have moved past all of that, it has popped up in another context, which also inspires mixed feelings. In a love reading for me, it recently came up in a position regarding what I must go through before love finds me, which isn't fun, and then yesterday (general reading) it came up in a position that was supposed to refer to what I want/what's best for me in my future. . .which is just plain strange. *shakes head* A multi-faceted card, to be sure!



There are times we need to break down structures in our lives that aren't working, or even break down ourselves--careers, roles, paths we've chosen, and rebuild anew.

It can be positive. It just doesn't usually feel very positive when you're in the middle of it.



arachnophobia said:
...whatever happened to the R.D.Laing revolution???)

They (the mental 'health' establishment) subverted it an called it 'de-instituitonisation'. Frigthening huh! Now there is a Tower I'd like to see crash into the sea ...



arachnophobia said:
The Tower was the very first card I ever drew, and at the time it meant, chuck the Tarot, this is all evil shit, I am going back to that "old-time religion"! lol

I still love it, but lately it has become particularly associated with my beloved locked up as a chronic paranoid schizophrenic in Norway... in the Secret Dakini Oracle, this card looks spookily like his hospital precincts, down to the "Virgin Mary" imagery and all...

These days, when I see this card, I think the Mike Scott song, *edinburgh castle /hugging the sky/ one of these days/ I'm going to blow you down!!* lol
(edinburgh castle representing in this case the whole psychiatric establishment...whatever happened to the R.D.Laing revolution???)

Oh, and mythos, interesting that you now regard it as a release from clinical, endogenous depression. Yeh, I get this too sometimes... o O (here comes that 9 of Swords again!!) ;-P Check my blog for how a recent Tarot reading itself nipped this one in the bud; not so much the Tower, but just seeing the 9 of Swords itself, jogged me to "get over it!" And I so got over it....

And I did post that Mike Scott song as a Tower song, in the Tarot fun and games section yesterday; I replayed it last night, and it does still resonate with the energies of that card... Mostly a feeling of barely suppressed rage at a confining or restrictive situation! ;-))