4 of Cups Meanings?



Recently the 4 of Cups seems to be coming up in all my (personal) readings. I had an interview for a job last week, and have been asking the cards for some advice after the interview and ideas for what's going to happen. And what do I get? The 4 of Cups always of course! It's like being haunted by this card.

I don't quite understand what this card means to me at this moment and especially regarding work. Is it that I'm too self-absorbed not considering other people around me when I went for this job (if I get it I have to move to another country). Or does it tell me that the 'grass is greener' and I might be better off staying where I am now? Or being offered the job (as the cup is being offered to the man) and I may not want it after all....

What do people think? I'd be really grateful for anyone who has time to share their thoughts.

Many thanks,


The 4 of cups is not wanting whats being offered to you or having to really think about the situation and make sure that your needs are being met etc. The reasons would depend on the surrounding cards but generally it's not "wanting" to accept what's being presented to you, my guess is like you said, that you may not want the job after all.


4 cups for advice tells you to think about your situation very carefully before making a commitment, as the job may not be what you wanted afterall, you need to find something that truly satisfies you.

This card is really just showing you that you are dissatisfied with everything in your life at present,what ever you chose will be the wrong choice for you, its called temporary boredom and goes away with time.


Depending on what deck you are using, there may be a picture of another person on the card, offering the fourth cup. In those cases, I consider the possibility that the card means that the querent is overlooking someone who could offer assistance.


I would go with Sharpchick on this one. It is highly possible you are overlooking something so it might be wise to ask what/who that something is.