Victorian Fairy tarot


It can happen sometimes that a tarot deck looks to be appealing but turns out to be a right downer and back of the draw it goes. Am glad you were not disappointed and like you would recommend this deck wholeheartedly.
Three of Winter (swords) is certainly a very different take, it took me a while to grasp what it was saying as we get used to the heart and three swords. Funnily enough it came out in a reading for someone who was having problems at work, and l found myself saying "Take no notice she is a drama queen and enjoys the gossip...... my querent laughed out loud and said how true. The strength card l agree is wonderful in fact all the cards are great, love the 9 of Autumn (pents) she looks so cosy in her nest knitting away.
My intuition is really high with these cards.


I have this deck. Its the only deck I've been using so far this year. I absolutely love it and adore the artwork. It has replaced shadowscapes as my go to deck. It really speaks to my intuition. I have a fascination with fairies, the Victorian era and gardening. So everything in the deck speaks to me in some way. Its easier for me to list my least favorite cards rather than my favorites since I love the whole deck.. I'm really over the 5 of winter though. I get it so often in a reading. There's a reason for it, but I'm just so tired it coming up. Some of the other winter cards aren't entirely my favorite, but its because of meanings rather than the artwork itself.

I would definitely recommend this deck in general and for those who like faeries. I have the mystic faerie tarot (its lovely as well), but I much prefer the Victorian fairy tarot over that deck.


Yes l agree that the winter cards can be a little difficult when they come up but as in any deck that is the nature of their messages. I was a bit concerned about the five of winter myself being an animal lover, but l see that card as a teasing, bullying aspect rather than downright cruelty. The creator of this deck has really worked hard to give us images that relate to the general accepted meanings but with a delightful twist that fires the imagination and intuition. As it came third in the top ten for 2013 there are many of us here who feel the same love for this deck, its different and refreshing, beautifully illustrated and for me a definite keeper. This from a reader who never was interested in fairies, but some decks just come along and grab you :)


I've just bought it, after a lot of deliberation about the five of winter.

Lunaea did answer me about it in this thread, I think if you read post 104 and a couple underneath between myself and her.

I'm on holiday next week, and I'm looking forward to getting to know it!


Firefrost, am sure you will not be disappointed with this deck. Have read Lunaea's comments to you. At first glance the 5 of Winter does look rather threatening, but view it as the fairy lads teasing rather than having any cruel intent. That was the way l could be happier about the card.
Do let us know what you think about the deck and how you get on with it, love to hear your views.


Will do. Must admit, I've not done so much with tarot for a while now, but this deck is making me want to start again!