Victorian Fairy tarot


Okay, this is the only deck on my radar for this year. I have now gotten a bit picky about buying decks which is a good thing. No longer am I the kiddie in the sweetshop.

Does anyone have this who can share some insights, maybe a photo or two? Also thoughts as to how useful the book is?

Any cards that are really stand out? Any cards that are a bit.... blurgh

Thanks in advance :)



deleted :)


I bought this deck and as I was looking it over, I didn't really like it. The colours seemed way too muted and I looked at some of the images and was like "What? How does that tie in with the meaning of the card?" I also didn't like how Spring was associated with Wands and Summer with Cups, I'm used to the reverse being true.

But I decided to give the deck a chance and started reading the companion book.

I think the book did an excellent job of explaining how the images meshed with RWS meanings and it went into the symbolism without going into exhaustive detail. I also really liked how the spreads were original and there was no Celtic Cross (a personal pet peeve of mine). I'm also happy that aspects of Victorian flower language were incorporated into the cards (although there is no one universal flower language dictionary, I thought it was a nice touch).

So, after reading the book and looking through the cards again, I found them quite charming. It was like opening a Victorian-era picture book and I found that I had warmed up to the cards and suddenly the deck went from "unreadable" to "actually, they might make for some entertaining readings". They seem very warm and friendly now.

The kicker is that I haven't had time to read with them, but it's a great new addition to my collection.


thanks for the thoughts so far.

I too usually see Cups as Spring/ Wands as summer so I would have to do some flipping over in my mind.

The images look fairly vibrant on a PC screen, but have had issues whereby the deck when you have it in hand looks muted by comparison. Has anyone found that with this deck, or is it still quite rich in intensity on the actual deck?


thanks for the thoughts so far.

I too usually see Cups as Spring/ Wands as summer so I would have to do some flipping over in my mind.

The images look fairly vibrant on a PC screen, but have had issues whereby the deck when you have it in hand looks muted by comparison. Has anyone found that with this deck, or is it still quite rich in intensity on the actual deck?

Gary and I were both really happy with the quality of the cards -- the detail and the richness of the colors came through just as we hoped, very true to the original watercolors. You can see most of the cards on our Facebook page:

(Although, of course, pictures always look a bit muted on Facebook!)


I bought the deck recently and I like it very much. But I haven't given myself time to really work with it yet. The book is great. I love the images too, and I adore the artwork; the artist was THE big selling point for me, and I was Not disappointed!


thanks everyone :) I have made an order... hopefully will arrive before I do my readings at the Body, Mind & Spirit show so I have time to get to know the deck and the book.



How have you got on with the Victorian Fairy?
I bought this deck and love it, l am not usually into fairy type tarot cards but the artwork was so good and the fairy folk are so appealing and not at all airy fairy (pardon pun)! Just little folk going about their business. I have found this deck has a wonderful playful and gentle energy about it, having said that it tells it like it is but with tact. I have really chuckled at some of the images especially 10 of summer all these little folk jumping of the high banks and splashing about in the water. My readings with this deck have been spot on and people l read for nearly always choose this deck out of three others l always have on the table.


I have to say I love it.

Disadvantage is the fact I am long sighted now, so some of the finer detail gets missed. Thus the fact I am glad I also downloaded the app for my tablet.

They are very expressive aren't they? I think as fey based decks go, this is one that I would definitely recommend. Love the take on the Strength card. Glad to see someone breaking out of the norm to represent that particular energy. And the 3 of swords was interesting. Anther take on being hurt.

It wasn't one I took to the festival at the weekend, but there is another in 6 months time. I reckon it will get an airing at that one for sure.