To trim or not to trim?


I'm looking at my Celtic Shaman's Pack (illustrated by Chesca Potter) and I'm thinking that those white borders are just ENORMOUS and how nice the cards would look as borderless little flashes of colour. But, of course this deck is now OOP and seems to be quite sought after. Am I mad, even considering a borderectomy?

So - does anyone else have this deck and see what I mean about the borders? Would anyone else be brave enough to get out those scissors?

Opinions welcome! Thank you.


I have it, mate, and I do know what you mean. But, as you say, it is OOP, and even though I'm a confirmed trimaholic, I can't see myself doing this one. That's mostly because the images seem to have a lot of space in them, and the white, I think, doesn't interfere with them as much as it does on many other decks. The borders are more able to meld into the images, and I think in a way it helps to encourage that empty, calm mindset that you have to have to work with these cards.

$0.02 :D

\m/ Kat


I agree. Without the borders, you have a bunch of teeny tiny little images--pretty, but barely there....


Thanks guys! You're helping to clarify my confused feelings ... and I see what you mean about the borders, actually.

Anyone feel like challenging this, just to keep things lively? ;)


What I do with this deck is to read the book, look at a card, think about it, try to meditate on it, fall asleep instead.

Without the border it'd surely be lost in the bedclothes.
