Deck interview spread


I did FireRaven's New Deck spread spread for my long owned but not used for years copy of the Tarot Oracle. All of the cards were Majors, and really positive ones at that. The one card that is puzzling me is number 3. What are your limits as a deck? it was The Sun.

The card shows a naked lady, eyes closed and standing in a yoga like pose, one knee bent her foot pointed and toes resting atop the other foot, her arms are raised and opened, her hair is swirling upwards and spiraling into the sun which is floating between her hands.

Best I can work out is that it will be too warm, happy and energetic to give me results that aren't all positive. If that is the case, then it's not going to be so accurate, teach me anything or any of the other good stuff the rest of the cards were telling me about us working together. Or is it more that it will tell me negative things framed in such a sunny manner that I will have trouble interpreting them in the way they should be? Or is it that the deck is only suitable for asking light hearted questions and not suited to the bigger issue potentially stuff I don't want to hear sort on topic?

Thanks for any thoughts :)


First thing that comes to my mind is that its messages will all be overly positive. You'll have to learn how to filter those messages into a more realistic interpretation.


rwcarter, thank you for such a fast reply. That was one of my thoughts, if it reads as sunshine and lollypops then I should interpret it as somewhat cloudy and toast with vegemite. Still good but not all sweet. Thanks :)


First thing that comes to my mind is that its messages will all be overly positive. You'll have to learn how to filter those messages into a more realistic interpretation.

I agree. This deck may not be able to give the "reality check" that is sometimes needed.


She-wolf, thank you. I think you are correct, from memory that may have been why I stopped using it before, it all seemed a bit too good to be true sort of readings, which of course is never the case in reality and I wasn't able to interpret it in a more realistic way, hopefully I am now :)


Without mentioning the card, what was the deck's strength? Just wondering if the strength might outweigh the weakness.



Authoritative but not inaccessibly so, inner wisdom and calm, accurate guidance. The calm from this one contradicts the high energy of the sun to me.


That's not a bad strength. And if you can learn how to properly filter the hyperbole, you can have a good working relationship with the deck. Once you've been working with the deck for awhile, I'd do another interview as more of a relationship progression than a new interview.


Pique Dame

Could it be possible the Sun here means "None! The sky's the limit!"? In other words, it has no limitations.