Horary Readings Third Instalment


Minderwiz said:
cutiecutie, 5 years is too long a span, your asking for a natal reading there.

No problem, can you look into this year then? Thanks


Minderwiz said:
This chart is cast with the Moon void of course. I did think of waiting and trying again but then I realised that that was consistent with the context of your question. Nothing is likely to come with the Moon VOC and you have already recognised that nothing is likely to happen with this friendship. Your question is about his attitude to you now.

You are signified by Jupiter, which is retrograde in Pisces. Strong in essential dignity but looking backwards (to the friendship that was). Jupiter is placed conjunct the IC, emphasising the importance of the question to you.

Your friend is signified by Venus, ruler of the eleventh house. Venus is in Scorpio. Venus emphasises the role, being placed in the eleventh House.

Your focus is primarily with yourself and your feelings about the relationship but not far behind is your friend (Venus is exalted in Pisces)

Venus, your friend, is in Scorpio ruled by Mars. Mars is Lord of the 5th and 12th. Romance and loss. This is quite a strong feeling as Mars is also the Triplicity ruler, Term ruler and Face ruler. Venus is in it's own detriment in Scorpio, so he is rather upset with himself, rather than you.

There seem to be no ill feelings towards you, personally, at all. On the other hand he is not as concerned about you as you are about him. With the Moon VOC, I would not say that this is an opportunity to mend bridges, it does seem that at the moment things are 'dead'. That is not to say they will remain that way but no change is likely in the forseeable future.
so you are using the 11th even though we are friends any longer?


VenusRising said:
so you are using the 11th even though we are friends any longer?

Yes, your question was about friendship, albeit one that you ended. You still have some feelings for your former friend, even if they are not what they were (otherwise you would not have asked).

The alternative would have been the seventh (any old person) but as you had strongly indicated the former friendship, I felt that was too weak.

Moreover there was another, unstated, question, which is behind your question - 'Is the friendship really ended?' You may consciously or unconsciously have had that in mind but I felt that it needed to be tested. So the eleventh has to be used.


Reading for le.jour.obscurcit

le.jour.obscurcit said:
What should I study at University?

Perhaps this might have been better as a natal question but it's a specific question and can clearly be related to a house - the ninth House is the house of Higher Education. The subject will be something that is ruled by house ruler (and possibly house Almuten).

The chart has Scorpio rising so you are signified by Mars. Mars is in detriment in Libra though it has a mutual reception with Venus by rulership and is in its own Terms, so it has moderate dignity. Mars is in the twelfth house, which among other things signifies institutions, such as monasteries, hospitals and prisons. All are places where you can't live a carefree life. Now that doesn't seem to fit well with the view of your university days as the best days of your life but if you intend to spend all your time in study then perhaps the institution of a university is shown here.

The subject is given by the Moon, which rules Cancer on the cusp of the ninth. The Moon is also almuten of the ninth, so it's the Moon that we have to look to for a subject.

Possibles could be:

Philosophy (Philosophy like the owl of Minerva takes flight only at night)
Psychology (Moon rules the 'animal' mind)
Social Sciences (the Moon rules the general population)
Sociology (as above)
Politics (as above)
History (the story of the general population)
Optician (Moon rules the left eye)
Gynaecologist (Moon rules female organs)

Generally, if you are looking on the Arts side, you need something that is 'soft', 'intuitive', or relates to the study of popular movements and groupings.

If you are looking on the science side, it comes down more to medicine, such as psychiatry, or gynaecology.


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Minderwiz said:
Yes, your question was about friendship, albeit one that you ended. You still have some feelings for your former friend, even if they are not what they were (otherwise you would not have asked).

The alternative would have been the seventh (any old person) but as you had strongly indicated the former friendship, I felt that was too weak.

Moreover there was another, unstated, question, which is behind your question - 'Is the friendship really ended?' You may consciously or unconsciously have had that in mind but I felt that it needed to be tested. So the eleventh has to be used.
oh I see thanks for clearing that up. thanks i am happy to know he doesn't hate me. also you said he is ruled by mars, ruler of 5th and 12th house of romance and loss. now this may be a silly question but could it be possibly he thought he had a chance with me (romantically), I always had that funny feeling even when we had a good freindship!


VenusRising said:
oh I see thanks for clearing that up. thanks i am happy to know he doesn't hate me. also you said he is ruled by mars, ruler of 5th and 12th house of romance and loss. now this may be a silly question but could it be possibly he thought he had a chance with me (romantically), I always had that funny feeling even when we had a good freindship!

Yes, it could be possible :)


Reading for lilangel09

lilangel09 said:
If you're still doing these,

What kind of vocation would I be happiest and financially sound in? The last part is to be considered together.

Edit: September 3, 8:44am, Texas

The difficulty with this question is both happiness and financially sound! The latter is easy to identify, it's the second House. I'm going to hope that the 'happiness' will automatically come in the careers signified by the tenth House.

With this chart we have Capricorn rising, so you are signified by Saturn. Saturn is currently in Libra and is very strong (exaltation, triplicity and terms) - perhaps another significator of 'happiness' - Saturn is where it is very powerful, though Saturn and happiness are not exactly the first association that you make. The bad news is that Saturn is in the eighth, though not in the same sign as the eighth cusp.

The possible career is given by the ruler of the tenth, Mars. and the income situation from the ruler of the second House - Jupiter. Dealing with the financial side first, Jupiter is in Pisces which it rules, so that suggests things will go well. It also trines the MC, so even better, income and career are closely related and favourably related. Jupiter is placed near the cusp in the second House, so Jupiter is where he needs to be. The problem is that Jupiter is retrograde - so whilst there might not be a problem earning the money, there may be a problem holding on to it, or using it effectively.

Looking at Mars, it too is placed in the eighth, and in it's detriment of Libra. It is however in a mutual reception with Venus, so it's situation is by no means hopeless. Indeed it is on the verge of moving into Scorpio, where it's dignity will be hugely improved. Mars is also applying to a conjunction with Venus, the lesser benefic. (Mars is currently faster than Venus). Finally Mars rules the Lot of Fortune and so has a strong role in health and financial welfare,

So we have established that career and financial well being are closely related. There are some good indicators of happiness, in that Jupiter and Venus both have important roles but the eighth House placements tend to offset that.

Possible careers would be Martial ones:

Security and protection services
Emergency Medical Technician
Theatre Nurse
Cutler (making swords and knives)
Dressmaker/clothes designer

Mars careers are all 'hard' and active but are often of the greatest social value.


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7:46 AM Chehalis Washington 9/15

Minderwiz, these are marvelous.
The home next door to us in Kalama has been abandoned and I'd like to buy it as a fixer-upper and sell it when the market strengthens to bring my retirement funding up to snuff.

There are a number of reasons this would be a golden opportunity.
There are a number of reasons it could be outside our financial capabilities, one being if the mortgage holder thinks and wants what the home was worth when the neighbors moved in 5 years ago, as opposed to the foreclosure sale by the sheriff on the courthouse steps which apparently Chase Residential doesn't do.

I'd love to do a card reading for you in return. Thank you Sharyn/AJ


Reading for miss62

miss62 said:
I have a question on medical horary.I'm in doubts of trying a new medication and I cant really decide since it has its side effects and the fact that I dont know if it can help me.its 50/50 chance.
I did a chart for this a while ago would you help me plz

here is the chart



update sat 4 sept 11:58 pm
I just started my med tonight.I'm sitting here so stressed whether I made a right decision!!I kind of wanna be optimistic but nothing has worked so far i dont wana have high hopes on this.

The question here is whether the new treatment will work. As you have now started the new treatment, I can locate that to the tenth House, but I need a fresh chart, as the chart you cast was before the treatment began (though I may refer back to it, if the need arises).

Your body is represented by the Ascendant ruler - in this chart it's Saturn in Libra. Saturn is a cold and dry planet, Libra is a Hot and Moist sign, so we do have dis-ease. Saturn's dispositor is Venus placed in Scorpio and that is the cause of the disease. The element here is the indicator of the excess humour - in this case Phlegm (Water is cold and moist) - According to Richard Saunders (a contemporary of Lilly and a physician), that could show up as kidney problems, urinary problems, As there is no detailed information I'm not really going to explore this side of the problem, nor come up with suggested remedies. I'm not really qualified to do so, though from a dietary point of view, hot and dry foods are preferable over cold and moist foods.

The physician and current treatment, are signified by the ruler of the tenth. We have Scorpio on the MC, so the ruler is Mars. Mars has just moved into Scorpio so is in it's own sign. It is also a hot and dry planet, which fits with the treatment by antipathetic medicine. Mars type remedies are good treatments for Venus problems (and indeed for Saturn ones).

This chart might operate at two levels. Firstly as an accurate reflection of the problem and treatment - In which case the conclusion is that the current treatment is appropriate and likely to be efective

The second is at a symbolic level, in which it does not accurately reflect the actual problem but does signify that the treatment is appropriate and will be effective.

Now, I have very limited information to go on, so I can't say which it is but it does seem that the current treatment is likely to be effective and 'fits' the medical problem.


Minderwiz said:
Yes, it could be possible :)
well thanks again for your reading. maybe in the far future we can be friends again!