Oracle Decks with brief, descriptive text


Can you please help me generate a list of oracle decks that include text on them that is:

1. Descriptive and
2. Brief, though not one-word

By descriptive, I mean, not merely the name of the character on the card (the name of the god or goddess, the name of the animal or plant, etc-- "Aphrodite," "Fox," etc) but something that either describes the card's meaning (e.g. "Hidden wisdom") or simply has more words than a typical name (e.g. "The Winter Tree).

Of course, the card can still have the character's name on it; I just want it to have more than that, too.

The "sweet spot" for text length would be more than one word, but shorter than the longer sentences I've seen on a few oracle cards online (e.g. "Seek solitude and time alone for reflection.") In fact, I'd rather err on the side of one word than have a full predictive sentence like the example I gave here.

I am primarily interested in the text of oracle cards, not necessarily their images, and that's why your help is needed. A few months ago, I looked through the oracle deck list here on Aeclectic but I don't remember everything I looked at, and I also would like a resource list in one place.

Thanks for your help.



Oracle of the Dragonfae:

Card #12: Aine and the Guardian ("Born innocent")
Card # 36: Wu-Wang ("Wild, pure heart")

All of the text above is printed on each card.


Ancient Feminine Wisdom (Kay Steventon & Brian Clark) has the name of the goddess at the top and one or two words on the bottom.

i.e. Hestia ~ Hearth; Cltymnestra ~ Outrage; Amphitrite ~ Depth of Feeling

The Goddess Oracle (Amy Sophia Marashinsky and Hrana Janto), much the same pattern, though both are at the bottom edge with the Goddess name in larger font.

i.e. Nut ~ Mystery; Cerridwen ~ Death and Rebirth; The Erinyes ~ Crisis.

ETA: in your request you sort of go back and forth on the 'one word' issue. Quite a few oracle decks have a single word it seems to me.


Thank you for naming those decks, Alta.

Yes, my ideal would be more than one-word descriptions. I just don't want to go too far in the other direction with full sentences such as "You feel your energy being restored" or so forth. Medium-length text (2+ words but less than a full sentence) intrigue me.


How about these two:

The nature speak oracle - Ted Andrews
The Wisdom of Avalon - Colette Baron-Reid


Thanks, Thoughtful. Will look them up online along with the other suggestions.


Any suggestions text only decks?

Hi Chiriku I am responding to a pretty old thread and your thread is just what I am seeking and wondering what decks you found with text on. Have you worked with any that really jumped out at you and pretty accurate? I have just posted a thread about working with text only as I don't connect with images. Any suggestions?
