A Card a Day of Sacred Circle


April 13 - Seven of Swords

Diplomacy - will have to keep this mind ..... I tend to be diplomatic as a rule, but guess I should take better attention should something come up.


Sacred Circle - Card of the Day - Queen of Swords

I seem to be moving up in the Suit of Swords. Maybe I didn't shuffle the deck well enough. Another verdant powerful image of regeneration. The Queen of Swords reminds me of the Goddess Eostre, Teutonic Goddess of fertility whose consort is the hare. Flowers spring up from her feet, trees break into new leaves around her, bees dart from flower to flower. She seems part meadow, part sunlight with the yellow gold emanating from her sword. A perfect metaphor for creation and renewal.

Imagination plays a big part in my life and certainly Tarot (esp Sacred Circle) is a wonderful vehicle for it. I wish I could be as creative in my work. It's not that I don't like my work, I do, but I tend to be too much of a dreamer. Need to do better there. Maybe that's the change the Knight of Swords was indicating.

Thanks - Toadshade


12 & 13 April - The Underworld - 14

I am running a bit behind in my posts (as usual lately LOL)

I drew The Underworld card two days running and have been giving this one some considerable thought - the message I get from this card is to go deep inside and face any fears, bringing them out to the light of day.

The the main thing that I kept getting drawn to in this image on the card at the moment is the two dragons - one red and one green. Makes me think of red for fire, passion and courage and green for earth, peace and tranquility. I feel this card is reminding me that I need these feelings to be balanced in my life to better handle and deal with any deep rooted concerns or fears.



14 April - 5 of Discs - Restriction

I'm back on the right day again finally :D

I drew the 5 of Discs this morning and my immediate thought was today is bill paying day (monthly pay day) but then as the day and evening unfolded a much deeper insight struck me.

The five discs floating above the stone circle look somewhat embattled with a few chunks missing in places. Like they have been fighting but not able to break free. Maybe because they are up in the air and not grounded in reality. This card helped me (together with a chat with a good friend) sort out some realistic and liberating ideas to help my parents sort out some financial issues for their retirement. :)



April 14 - Four of Discs

Materialism - Well, thanks to the Taxman, I am broke this week, lol. Not sure how this fits, but we shall soon see ......


Sacred Circle - Card of the Day - The Wheel

I believe in Circles above anything else. This card describes the one I relate to the most, the circle of the seasons and how they affect me emotionally, spiritually and materially. This makes so much more sense to me than the old Elizabethan Wheel of Fortune. The card shows the cycle of the 4 suits revolving around the major Pagan festivals from Samhain to Mabon. All the elements from fire to earth to water and air are captured beautifully in a rocky shoreline receding to a far horizon ascending to great clouds of light and shadow echoing the colors of the shore. Points of departure and return.

My place on the wheel this time of the year is on the ascent. Everything's going fairly well and I have the means to do a little more traveling to the mountains this year and go on nature hikes. Last night a strong April storm blew a large Elmtree limb down on my car. It put a sizable dent but nothing to really worry about. I'm really more worried about the tree. Even though it's green and budding beautiful Spring leaves, the limb had evidence of rot. It may be dying. That tree has been the favorite perch for birds coming to my feeder and the Goldfinches love it. It's taught me a lot about time, beauty and giving. I used to walk around like there were no trees in the world.

Thanks - Toadshade


Death (R) -- Card # 13

I guess I am not paying much attention to warning signs regarding the need for transformation. Total transformation/change instead of clinging to the present.
This change will be affecting my life for a long time.

Some old habits and modes of behavior should be discarded and new ones should be adopted.

For us to mold into life, we need to accept as much change as flowing with the tides. But this card is a powerful reminder of this.


15 April - Ace of Swords - Intellect

My card for today is the Ace of Swords - Intellect. Which is quite fitting after my card yesterday and the new ideas that came out last night. It makes me think of using my mind to think up ways of overcoming issues and then there can be a new light caste to more positively deal with them. Sometimes I have to get past (and out of my system) the anger and frustration to then be able to focus clearly on dealing with one thing (sword) at a time. ;)



April 15 - Page of Cups

Reflection - Unfortunately the week is not over, so I cannot reflect on that ..... and major events are coming up in my life, most of which I have no control over, so what is opposite of reflection - anticipation? premonition?

I guess I will just reflect on the positives in my life today and hope they give me strength to ignore or cope with the negatives ...... good food for thought for EVERY day, IMHO.


April 15 - The Tower

Lightning strikes a large Tower under a brilliant full moon with a dark mountain and darker Conifers in the background. The man-made structure crumbles under the violent forces of unforeseen nature. A snake of the unconscious crawls upward while berries and fruits continue the life cycle after the destruction of the ego.

This is a scary card for me. I do addiction counseling and this is the equivalent of 'hitting bottom' when all the resources of the ego are shattered. It's also a very necessary card. Without the lesson of the tower addicts usually end up dead. I wish I saw more of this. My Tower certainly couldn't stand when I quit and I didn't build one in it's place. My little duplex full of books, 3 cats and music will do just fine. Especially with a little incense.

I'll be in the SC mountains til Saturday so if you don't see a post tomorrow don't feel I've adandoned this group. You should get 2 posts on Sunday.

Thanks - Toadshade