A Card a Day of Sacred Circle


The moon -- Card # 18

Upon reflecting on this card a bit, I realized that this is one of the most beautiful and one of my favorite cards in this deck.

I had always been fascinated by the moon especially a full moon. But this card reminds me to not live in the past and plan for the future. It also bears a particualr spiritual message of trusting my hunches and paying attention to my dreams.

A very inspiring message indeed to get at this time, if you ask me.


16 April - The Druid

Today's card was the Druid. Reminds me that I have all the tools in front of me, I just need to balance all the elements of life and put them into action. Also to look inside myself for inspiration and explore all possibilities.



April 16 - Ace of Wands

Creativity ......

Not feeling overly creative at the moment, hope something sparks me later. Regardless, nice to start a day (a Friday no less!) with a nice card. The sun is shining (finally) and the temperature is supposed to climb over the weekend - a welcome relief after a cold New England winter. I just feel sorry for the Boston Marathoners who have to run in 80 degree weather on Monday ..... not TOO bad mind you - I'm not forcing them to run, hehe. Hmm, maybe my creativity is shining through with my sarcasm ..... probably should work on writing more of my book tonight.


Card of the Day - Sacred Circle - 2 of Discs

In the foreground are two discs connected by a living vine. Behind stand 4 ancient sacred stones in a rich green field. A stone fence with remnants of an orchard and a rocky bluff complete the background. It's hard to imagine the beauty of this place in the fluctuations of time.

Well one fluctuation - I didn't go to the mountains. My friend got sick and I decided to stay home and get some things done around the house. In recovery we have a saying, "This too shall pass." When I had to finance my new car (and high insurance rates) after being laid off my second job I had to put this too the test and not 'awfulize' everything which is my typical reaction. Especially since my income was exceded by my outcome! I stayed the course and got a lot better job with better money. I sure as hell don't like sudden changes in my life but I think I'm learning how to deal with them a lot better.

Thanks - Toadshade


April 17 - The Sun

How appropriate, for many reasons!

This is the card we have been studying in the comparative group. The sun is shining here for the first day in many (in fact, while typing this I heard something out the window, turned, looked and was blinded by the sun off a windshield ..... I hope I am typing correctly), soccer (football) season begins today, and the temperature is very springlike ...... with birds chirping outside my OPEN window.

Definitely a good day ...... now to think about fixing that flat tire I have, lol.


17 April - Knight of Swords - Change

I drew the Knight of Swords yesterday morning - Change ...

A warrior standing in a field surrounded by plants with his glinting Sword raised - ready for action.

An interesting card to draw as there is an opportunity for a new idea and change that I discussed today with another AT member (in person!) about starting a local Tarot Talk get together every month.

It was interesting to read from the book:

"It may be that you need something of the spirit of the Knight of Swords. You know that you have something that you have always wanted to do, whether it is a special trip, a career change, or a creative project that you have been putting off. Stop vacillating and do something positive. It may just turn out to be the most rewarding thing you have ever done."

A good omen I would say :D and who knows where it could lead.



Two of Wands -- Courage

I noticed that few people get or draw reverse cards for these readings, so I decided to do the same. The cards have enough on them to be enjoyed or read the message immediately.

When I get the two of wands, I know that I should not expect instant results for my ideas , but with enough courage, determination, willpower, dedication, and risk-taking I will not be too far from it either.

Wands suit always activate my mind, and whichever card I get I know that I am going the right direction utilizing my faculties.


Card of the Day 4/17/04 - Sacred Circle - Ace of Swords

In the foreground a river flows to the sea where the Island holding St. Michael's Mount rises high above the sea. Above is a giant Sword whose hilt lies in the clouds and whose sword radiates like sunlight above the clouds.

If only my intellect ruled like it does in this card!! I've always fallen prey to compulsions and emotional binges in my life. That's one reason I took up Tarot; to help understand my emotional, creative side better (cups, wands). I use Tarot more for meditation that divination. I use Christine Jette's, 'Tarot Shadow Work.' I wasn't quite aware of what a powerful force the unconscious mind is and Tarot seems, to me at least, the proper tool to deal with it.

Thanks - Toadshade


18 April - Page of Discs - Health

Was not surpised to see this card turn up this morning :D It is reminding me to be healthy today, after a night with friends sociliasing and partying - too much food, cigs and the rest!

Today drink lots of water, eat something healthy and have give my body a good rest before the working week starts again!



April 18 - King of Swords

Air - as in "full of hot"? Hmm, Sun followed by Air. Plan on a relaxing day today ..... could this be a good omen. Warning - contemplation ahead ......