Beginners Books On Alchemy and Tarot !


coyoteblack said:
...I think I can really love Alchemy along with Qabalah! Assuming my brain does not fry in the process.

Ah! Glad you mentoned that... Place is NOT a Qabalah based designer, although he does tap the Golden Dawn at times. You'll find the Alchemical doesn't work very well in a Qabalistic context.

As for syllabus, Adam's course will probably wind up being both more comprehensive and more user friendly, but also more demanding. He's a member here and a Tarot publisher, you know. It might be worth PMing him and asking his opinion. He's very candid about this stuff. And starange as it may seem, I don't think he'll be biased... even about his own course.



Scion would you recomend I stick with just Alchemy for this Alchemical and use a thoth/GD deck for the Qabalah?


I would, I think. :thumbsup:


why do I have this feeling just embarked on one of those never ending journies! Thansk for the Rec's Scion I am about to Pm Adam now. Who would have thunk his user name would actually be Adam McLean?

Adam McLean

Alchemy is a rather complex subject which evolved in Europe over
about 500 years - so there is a great deal to learn if one is to
truly understand it.

My own study courses and books are not really aimed at the
beginner and presuppose a degree of familiarity with the literature
and emblematic symbolism.

A good place to start is my alchemy web site

It has 150 megabytes of information, enough to keep people
going for a few months! Take a long look round this, and
if you find yourself confused and perplexed probably alchemy
is not for you. If you find yourself draw in and enthused by
the material then alchemy may be something worth studying
for you.


Adam McLean said:
if you find yourself confused and perplexed probably alchemy
is not for you. If you find yourself draw in and enthused by
the material then alchemy may be something worth studying
for you.

I thank you for a starting point

Would study of the Images and emblems be the best place to start ?