Tarot seems to be in a slump - your impressions?


But gregory, would such a deck even be worth it to bootleg? I mean, sorry if I come across as a b*itch, because there really are some truly talented artists on the boards... but when you say that someone will "make a mint" off the deck... I don't really see that happening. The whole point is that everyone join in, and that means that beside every professional artist making a card, you will have ten people like me, who want to contribute, but can only draw stick figures, and those quite badly. That's hardly bootleg material.

I'm not saying previous community decks weren't lovely, just not competitive.


But gregory, would such a deck even be worth it to bootleg? I mean, sorry if I come across as a b*itch, because there really are some truly talented artists on the boards... but when you say that someone will "make a mint" off the deck... I don't really see that happening. The whole point is that everyone join in, and that means that beside every professional artist making a card, you will have ten people like me, who want to contribute, but can only draw stick figures, and those quite badly. That's hardly bootleg material.

I'm not saying previous community decks weren't lovely, just not competitive.
No of course not - but then, those companies that sell rubbish - well, the decks they sell are appalling quality, so it would make no odds to them, and the buyers would just be disappointed later. It's the idea of our cards being badly reproduced and someone making profit from them.

As I say - I don't CARE. But I THINK a few people did want to keep copyright in some decks I've been in on....


I don't think Tarot is in a slump as much as 'people' are in a slump. The DieHards, the truely interested - they stay - or even if they go they come back to check on things. What you may be seeing is the cyclical 'instant rabid fans' who yesterday didn't give a can of Cheese Whiz about Tarot and suddenly are all-over Tarot, trying to get their Tarot-fix without realizing many of us have spent many years in this field of study and aren't done yet. Those are the ones that drop out. However - they all seem to come in waves and then leave in waves.

Yes - I do see fewer and fewer decks for sale in stores, but with the proliferation of the Internet, plus self-publishing of decks, books, etc., there is no need to search forever to have some little store somewhere finally order one for you 'when they get a large enough order to put in.'

Slump? No. We are probably back down to the core group of Tarotists.


Well, fek me, Good I'm back then, innit?


I don't see a Tarot slump so much as a general pagan/esoteric/New Age slump, as far as retailing goes. But that may be because so much more business is being done online than in physical stores (which are disappearing). But decks? Time was they were mostly in those vanished shops. Now they're in big-box bookstores! And when I do find a neat little store like that, if they carry cards at all they have a good selection. The one near me has a GREAT selection! And plenty of books too!


Aeclectic has a huge member list and things move along quickly. If you don't visit everyday, you miss things.

I'm behind the times with Lillie's return, and that's because I'm not here daily as I used to be. It's good to see you return and shower us with your wisdom Lillie.

As for Tarot...it will always be around, it's the fashions and people that change.


When I returned to tarot a little over a year ago, after a long absence, I was stunned with the variety of decks and resources available. Someone has to be buying these decks, so I can only assume that tarot is thriving.
Tarot seems to have found a new following as more people are understanding that it is not necessarily a fortune-telling device, like a Magic 8 ball. More and more are using tarot and oracle cards for self-awareness.
The variety of deck styles available are a catalyst for reaching the masses. We all have our preferences, and that's fine. From a broader perspective, whatever style or format one chooses, it's all good. We are learning to go within and link to Higher Consciousness, or whatever one happens to identify with, to find our own answers.