The Hierophant and six of wands (reaction )


How would X react to news/advice that is unwanted?
2first cards out of 5 are listed above

Could it mean that x will take the advice/agree/ learn and improve eventually start to feel better about self/life.
I must say that I am desperately trying to find positive but if that's not the cards message then don't force the positive angle



Hierophant and Six of Wands, these cards are combined, not one claifing the other.

Their reaction: This person will takes their traditional stance with pride, they will not stand down from their position.

Reminder: I am only taking these two cards out of 5 drawn


I could see this being a graduate of a religious seminary, proudly coming to take his diploma. Something like that.


Hierophant and Six of Wands, these cards are combined, not one claifing the other.

Their reaction: This person will takes their traditional stance with pride, they will not stand down from their position.

Reminder: I am only taking these two cards out of 5 drawn

Yes, unfortunately that would be typical reaction for him.


I could see this being a graduate of a religious seminary, proudly coming to take his diploma. Something like that.

Not religious beliefs but some very strong and wrong view towards life that is deep in his subconscious just like religion and religious people.
Even though it was not the outcome I was hoping for I LOVE my cards