Sabian Symbols Study Group: Cancer 8 - #98


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: CANCER
Degree: 8
Number: 98



Appearances can lie, can’t they? But at the same time, can people see things within us that we’re not aware of. These rabbits dressed in clothes seem to have something to do with moving forward? Is this some new fashion, a new business venture or false lures of success?

And why rabbits? I looked up rabbit in my Medicine Cards. It claims rabbit has to do with fear. It says “If you pulled Rabbit, stop talking about horrible things happening and get rid of ‘what if’ in your vocabularly. This card may signal a time of worry about the future or of try to ‘exercise your control’ over that which is not yet to form – the future.”

Then, I looked at my Animal-Speak by Ted Andrews. He claims the keynot to the rabbit is ‘fertility and new life! Hmm how confusing! Ted claims “The rabbit is known for its ability to procreate, its fleetness, its ability to make great leaps and hops…..Although some associate fear with the rabbit, it has wonderuful abilities for defense….Rabbits often create forms to use for hiding and resting. To create a form the rabbit scratches a shallow bowl into the earth or grass that is open in front and in back to enable it to escape if necessary….If a rabbit has shown up, it may indicate a need to do some more planning or check those you have already set in motion. You do not want to box yourself into a corner. Rabbits have a knack for avoiding being seen (hmm that’s interesting)….if you are involved in competition- in work or in play- it will be important not to foreshadow your moves…”

Then he goes on to say “Rabbits are also clever at doubling back, making quick and rapid turns. (but this parade is dignified…there’s no quick and rapid turns here). If they need to flee they can be extremely fast. “

These rabbits in clothes couldn’t flee if they wanted! They seem to be trapped by the word success, based on repetitive patterns and beliefs passed down through time. These rabbits have adopted a premise that prosperity (success, money family) is serious work.

The words 'dignified parade', does not let me see rabbits in colorful splashy clothes. I see the blue collar worker here, who dreams, dreams, but rarely does anything about them. This appears to me a very regulated and controlled parade with very little creativity at work here.

A dream is a vision we receive from our imaginations but what I see here is rabbits walking toward something that is exact and precise that can only be achieved by deliberate effort.

Other than that, this symbol baffles me. I’m still thinking on it.



Thanks Tink - thats great stuff you found out there!

Dr Jones has the Key Word Appropriation

I have pummice as the stone.

This is one of those symbols that are out there, but then make so much sense, I put people in munny costumes in my minds eye and go from there, I must have seen some such parade on TV cause it is so clear to me. Also I feel bunnies are like young childreen even young adults, full of energy and vitality and health but hmm they have some learning to do ;)
Sort of fluffy yea - fluffy!

IF I got this as an oracle symbol for me it would mean - try your best to do your best with the resources at hand.



Thanks Marina,

I think I have the jest of this symbol now, especially after understanding the next symbol. But I still can't quite grab it....yes rabbits are soft and fluffy but weighed down by clothes!

This symbol is of importance to is a karmic symbol in my birth chart. Rabbits just as fairies are a lunar creature...they sleep during the day and play at night.

Such gentle creatures...why are they wearing clothes? My Mars is battling the currents here, I must surrender, meditate here to understand this symbol? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Why do 'WE' wear clothes, I dont always think it is to keep us warm, it is so we fit in - a uniform of sorts... we all pretend to be 'something' so we fit in, but we all have fuzzy auras that pop up and say under the clothes is a spiritual natural being - we ARE ALL spiritual natural beings so WHY do we wear clothes - to fit in??

Another tact is this is a CANCER sybmol with earth energy - animals and clothes are earth energy to me, so its as clear as mixing water and earth - clear as mud? well it is important to ground our energy

Reading Dr Jones words he says it is unlimited assurance that any projection of self into a superior dimension of reality works out.

I wonder where 'fashion' comes in here - more on the clothes - how do you feel about fashion?



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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