

I'd like to know.. who else, besides me, has been trying out the new divination set "Synchro-Signs"? I bought them a week ago and I really love them! They're 101 symbols, easy to recognize and read. They're printed on small gray cardboard. It comes with a book and a red bag to keep them in and draw them from.. but I have them in a bigger bag because it's easier to draw them out of. Anyway, I'd really like to know who else on here has them? Here is a link from Amazon:


Hi, sunflowr!
Well, I don't exactly qualify to answer you, because I don't have them. :D
The thing is, I was seriously considering the set, because I liked the overall concept, based on what I read on the box.
However, I had an opportunity to actually view the "cards" before I ever bought them, and changed my mind.
I was shocked to find out that these so-called "cards" are teeny-tiny cardboard chips! :eek:
I was dissappointed, because I had expected better quality and bigger cards. :(
My apologies, since you have a more positive view of this system.
I am still interested in what you like about it.
Perhaps I can get past that initial shock...I'm open to a different perspective. :cool:
I am especially interested in the readings you may have conducted, or how else you have used the cards...


Tauni said:
Hi, sunflowr!
Well, I don't exactly qualify to answer you, because I don't have them. :D
The thing is, I was seriously considering the set, because I liked the overall concept, based on what I read on the box.
However, I had an opportunity to actually view the "cards" before I ever bought them, and changed my mind.
I was shocked to find out that these so-called "cards" are teeny-tiny cardboard chips! :eek:
I was dissappointed, because I had expected better quality and bigger cards. :(
My apologies, since you have a more positive view of this system.
I am still interested in what you like about it.
Perhaps I can get past that initial shock...I'm open to a different perspective. :cool:
I am especially interested in the readings you may have conducted, or how else you have used the cards...

OH I love them! :) They are my favorite divination set. No, they're not really cards so are not used that way. They are supposed to be used like runes. Well, along that concept. You pull them from a bag or lay them all out face down and choose however many you want. You can use any spread in the world that you want, but the author does her readings using a rune spread.

I use them for all kinds of things. Right now I am experimenting with spirit communication.. and this could really work! There's 101 symbols.. all of them universal easy to understand and interpret symbols. I think of someone who has passed on, meditate on them, I ask a question, and I reach for a few chips from the bag. It's really like "talking" to them (or letting them talk to you) thru these symbols.. which is how spirit communicates anyway - through symbols. This just makes it more tangible.

I really highly recommend this set.


This is so weird...I just saw these at Barnes and Noble and immediately bought them -- about half an hour ago! :O

I liked the open nature of the designs, and I actually liked that they were so small! I haven't used rune stones before, but they had that kind of feeling, IMO. Although I haven't opened them yet, it said on the box that the book covers meanings for the symbols in relation to I Ching and runes, as well as tarot cards, so I also liked this universality.

I'd better go get them out now...apparently they want to tell me something today! :)




Melvis said:
This is so weird...I just saw these at Barnes and Noble and immediately bought them -- about half an hour ago! :O

I liked the open nature of the designs, and I actually liked that they were so small! I haven't used rune stones before, but they had that kind of feeling, IMO. Although I haven't opened them yet, it said on the box that the book covers meanings for the symbols in relation to I Ching and runes, as well as tarot cards, so I also liked this universality.

I'd better go get them out now...apparently they want to tell me something today! :)



Enjoy them! :) Let me/us know what you think and the work you're doing with them. OH.. about the associations: I havent been paying alot of attention to them because some of them don't click with me. It's mostly the author's own feelings.


Can you give some examples of the designs used for this set? You said universal signs, so I'm picturing simple stuff such as a star or a spiral or a cross or a circle.... I might have to check these out.

-- Kyrielle


Kyrielle said:
Can you give some examples of the designs used for this set? You said universal signs, so I'm picturing simple stuff such as a star or a spiral or a cross or a circle.... I might have to check these out.

-- Kyrielle

Hmm, stuff like a peace sign for peace, a jacket and several hats for "multitasking or diversity", a house for "inheritance or rewards", an old crummy looking house (litter, broken down) for "ill health or disrepair", seeds sprouting for "beginnings", a money bag overflowing with money for "wealth", books for "knowledge", doorway for "opportunity", bags/luggage for "traveling".... it goes on. :) 101 of them! :) There's one for "chaos" which is a sloppy scribble. Etc.. Etc.. Check them out! :)


Thanks for the link, Sunflowr!
These sound like just the thing for me!
I love reading with symbols and with unusual oracles as well.

I think I'm gonna have to buy thesefor myself right away!


These sound interesting. I'm always looking for something to pair with tarot for "double divination". I've tried runes, but can't really get into studying them. These cards sound very simple and easy. I think I'll buy them. I'll let you know they work with double divination tarot.


Hi, all!

I like the cards themselves, so far. I don't really like the spread that the author includes, so I've made up one of my own.

I pull three cards at a time from the maroon silk bag they come in. I lay them in a horizontal row in whatever order seems right in that moment. Then I read it across like a sentence. Sometimes I read the pictures slightly differently than they are described in the book, but I think that goes along with the nature of these drawings. I'll draw three or five times, once again depending on what feels right. I like it because it's pretty short and sweet.

For example: I did a reading on this conference I'm thinking of attending quite a ways away. The problem is that I hate HATE flying. But I have until June to get over my fear. My question was, how can I get over this?

My interpretation: My HEART is in CHAOS and needs a GUIDE.

Okay, what kind of guide?

My interpretation: It's my SENSES that are TROUBLED and must find a STILLPOINT to focus on to get over this fear.

Hmmm...this is interesting because I've been trying to become better at meditating lately (My brain has trouble quieting down enough to let me just be during meditation! ;) ), so maybe the answer lies there. I wonder...I'd been thinking that if all else fails, I can medicate myself in some way. I know people who do this, and it works for them. Maybe meditation, or something of that nature, will be enough?

My interpretation: Wow! This one just screams the answer to me! I must BALANCE NATURE and MEDITATION to achieve my goal! Some might not agree, but I see the garden as representing nature, which to me represents the medication option. (Most medications come from plants anyway.)

So, I can talk to my doctor about something I can take during the flight to help me relax, but I have to meet the drugs halfway by mentally preparing myself between now and then.

So, that's my sample reading. I've attached a picture of the cards to give you a better idea of how they look.



P.S. I say 'cards' but they're only about an inch square, so I would almost call them stiff cardboard tiles!


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