See How YOU Scry #4


this thread is all about scrying. We will take 3 questions from participants here at A.T. The first three to post will then have to provide feedback on Friday, Dec. 12 through Sunday, Dec. 14. The first 3 people to post a question will be listed in here just before the picture of the crystal ball we will be using this week. The original thread starting this scrying can be seen here:

ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE LIMITED TO NO MORE THEN FIVE WORDS! Any question that is more then 5 words will NOT be read. We need to keep this short and sweet and clear, without a long paragraph explaining your question. Please, do not post questions that require a yes or a no. So, if you have a question regarding your lover, just write--

Question: Tell me about my Lover.

A question about your career?

Question: What career should I pursue?

That sort of thing. If you can't put it into 5 words, just write "Future" or "Career" or "Love". One word is GREAT!! With scrying, we do NOT want too much information please.
Please don't leave any feedback until those dates above, so you can give every scyer a chance to 'read' for you w/o being influenced by any fb prior to Friday.

Below is the crystal ball picture we will be using this week. Everyone who is going to try scrying will need to say who it is they are reading for- and post the question first before giving your post on what you saw and what you think it may mean.

Then, check back between Friday and Sunday to see how accurate you are! Don't worry about trying to get it right. Its just like when you were learning to read the cards. This exercise is really about having fun and getting an idea of how scrying works! Anyone can join in and the whole idea is to just have fun with it!

here is the link to the previous "see how you scry #3" if you'd like to see how it worked.


Okay, this time, we'll have 4 questions--ONLY THIS TIME! Since, I didn't get here again to post the questions and #4 already did get one reading. :D I guess the Universe felt #4 needed asking too. But no more! :)

1. Kduphily, Future?
2. Tarotlova, what does next year hold?
3. Amanda04, The One" Future Career?
4. Yippee, Future long-term love?



  • crystal ball two.jpg
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Hi CN can I sit? Now to think of a question...

I'll go with future :)


deleted double post sorry


I would like to know what does next year hold please :)


I want third seat! :)

Snapshot of "The One" Future Career


Question: Future long-term love :)


Thank you for the clarification and for letting me sit, Celticnoodle :)


Snapshot of "The One" Future Career
At a glance, I saw.....

1. Demonic Unicorn

2. Klu Klux Klan Half

3. Solemn Serious Face

1. Your future career is going to be one hellish dream to acquire but that does NOT mean it won't exist or you won't succeed. A snapshot of your "ONE "could possibly be a bit of a nightmare to accomplish so be prepared for that.

2. A part of this career may be influenced by, directed at or brought to you by a possible illiberal group... OR.. something about this work will be "undercover" in some way. So unless what I really saw was half of a ghost which could turn this to a whole other direction, meaning it could merely be a phantom idea, I'd say it's partially founded by sectarians.

3. This career is going to require that you become extremely serious about the nature or severity of the group you will become part of. Keep in mind the professionalism of this career is up there and it feels to be a bit of a "stuffed shirt" group. I do get the feeling here that when you get in, it will be the crème of the crop and not just some Mom and Pop position.

Good luck!


I'll go with future :)

At a glance...

I see lots of masquerade masks but before that I saw a performance dog doing tricks. :)

It appears that you may be hiding or keeping something from being known in the future. There could be something in your life or something about you that you don't want anyone to discover. You may even have to perform some tricks, like a "song and dance" as a distraction. The feeling I get here are SECRETS. Your future will be about dealing with something you want to be kept private.



I'll go with future :)

Hi kduphily, before even beginning to scry I thought of a scorpion. Do you have scorpio in your astrological chart? This creature seems to be emblematic of you - deep with the ability to sting - a dull, long lasting sting that creeps underneath peoples' skins.

In looking at the crystal ball, the first thing I saw was a cute plane. I see you traveling a lot in the future, and without even having to inquire as to the location, I was shown a boot, which I associate with Italy. I saw a sad dog. If you have a dog, it's possible it will get gravely ill and possibly pass in the undetermined but foreseeable future. If not, then I see this as symbolic of a friendship falling apart. One of your most loyal companions feeling let down. I was then shown a man - he looked like an old time chauffeur. There is a lot around being transported in your reading and I'm inclined to say travel for leisure and business where you are escorted places will happen. Then I saw Venice (Italy): the lagoons and some of the architecture. I saw a full moon and thought of a "proposal". It feels romantic due to the location. I saw a horse majestically in mid air. The future is a time to be wild, free, and to explore your feminine mystique. I saw a frozen lake and a mountain, thought of the arctic which is odd because there are no scorpions there out of all places. I saw you in a carriage by night, indicating romance and perfecting your timing. Finally, I saw a man looking downwards and depressed not noticing the magic around him - I thought he might be your son or a family member. Last but not least, I saw a taxi driver carrying a knife over his shoulder and wearing a black cloak - it felt like a film noir detective crime solving movie. It feels like someone from your past who has the capacity to be menacing, someone who may want something from you and will be very slick about it. He is not too intelligent though so he can be dissuaded.

Key words:
Scorpion, plane, boot (Italy), sad dog, man - chauffeur, Venice, full moon, a proposal, a horse majestically in mid air, frozen lake and a mountain, you in a carriage by night, another man looking downwards and depressed not noticing the magic around him. A taxi driver carrying a knife over his shoulder in a black cloak - feels like a film noir detective crime solving movie.

PS - I also saw Disney World.



I would like to know what does next year hold please :)

The first symbol I saw was a lucky horseshoe. Great omen! I associate this with luck in the next year, and girlhood dreams being realized. Then I saw a teacup. Again, it felt like more girlhood reference. Now I am reminded of Alice's teacup. Tea to me symbolizes soft awakenings and vitality. Next, I saw a Mucha (the painter) lady with a big afro. She just felt really cool. You may be immersed in art in some way, maybe galleries, or museums.
My favorite part of your reading is when I saw a VERY vivid loving embrace between a man and a woman - it felt like forgiveness and relief, deep love and care. Now I hope this doesn't frighten you, but next I saw a blonde woman resting on a stone surface, like on top of a grave. I went back and looked at it and the words 'setting roots' or 'digging for roots' came to me. I heard the word "vivid dreams". I saw a giant octopus with long tentacles. I saw a crocodile opening its mouth and thought of "Florida". Finally, I saw a swan and thought "swan lake". Do you do ballet? I think it's going to be a neat year and you will develop artistically and spiritually, maybe seeker deeper answers but you are advised not to get 'tangled up'.