Unveiling: "Sol Invictus" - The God Tarot


I know it's been a long time, but as we approach the finishing line this deck is getting harder to research and complete.

We do, however, have some updates:

2 completely new cards -

Two of Cups (Aizen M'yoo, Japanese Buddhist)
Eight of Wands (Na-gah, Native American - Pauite)

and 3 redrawn cards -

The Underworld (previously the Devil, Hades)
Four of Wands (Agni)
Five of Wands (Oak King and Holly King)

The deadline for the publisher is December 1st, and with only 7 cards left to create and very little of the book left to write, we look to be on target.



Oh! I just saw this!
The new cards are quite wondereful!

I am so excited that you are close to publishing!

A BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU! And for being soooo close to completion!

I really really need this deck!



Okay, yet more updates, and we're quickly moving towards completion. Firstly, the website is soon going through a design change, so soon you will be seeing a much-improved website for the God Tarot. Secondly, the book is almost complete, and thirdly, we only have 5 cards left to go before we have an entire deck.

New cards on the website are:

- Two of Coins (Inuit Animal Spirits), a bit of a cop-out cuz they're not Gods as such, but they are served and appeased by the Inuit and they fit perfectly with this card.

- Awakening of Cups (Page of Cups, Orunmila - Yoruba.) As deity of prophecy, divination, and seers he was a good choice.

Nic is also busy working on the Three of Wands, the Hawaiian creation myth where three Gods, Kane, Lono, and Ku create the world together. 6 of Coins has had a recolour, but is not yet updated on the website.




Some I like more than other. My absolute favorite is The Mystic, the world upside down is a really cool and innovative idea. Well done!