Card of the Night OR Tarot for Dreams


Yesterday I was reading an article about family trauma inherited in DNA. At night I dreamed my usual dream about travel through DNA. I know that because it’s usually shown as I’m climbing up and down the ladder with some danger when some steps are missing or broken. In the morning I thought this dream should definitely represent The Knight card. Then the first card I’ve drawn was The Knight of Pentacles (Warrior of Disks). This gave me a clue that our nightmares are programmed in DNA. I’d like to know if someone has a similar experience.


One of my most common nitemare themes since early childhood involves having to navigate poorly designed, decrepit, and/or "missing" stairways, actually... Which I'd never connected to DNA: an interesting idea. As astrological chart placements/aspects are often shared among relatives, and similar life trials/anxieties potentially inherited, as well, that DNA involvement does seem very fitting. I'm not clear on where the Knight of Pentacles comes in, though... Would you elaborate on that?