Horary Readings Third Instalment

Maria Tarot

this woman you talk, is the same age of me or his, because he is older than me.

If you have the time, please take a look:

:) Interesting?

Minderwiz said:
If another person gets involved my feeling is that they will be a female, of the same age or older. They will be acting from good motives but will cause real problems. The may not be consciously aware of what they are doing. Indeed it's possible that you might not be aware of their actions.

I think the odds are still in your favour - so don't assume that the worst will happen.


same age as you OR older, so both will hold - but I wouldn't think any younger.


Reading for starseer

starseer said:
Can I please be added? My question is about a very stressful situation that I feel I am stuck in. I am working a part-time, very low pay job but the environment is toxic and there is a lot of confusion. I tried to put in my two weeks notice yesterday but my boss wouldn't accept it. No one at the job really cares for me, so I would have thought my resignation would have been accepted with a smile. Can you tell me what her agenda is for not wanting me to leave just yet?


The chart is cast during the hour of Saturn and has Capricorn rising. So a radical chart. You are signified by Saturn. Saturn in Libra is highly dignified by exaltation and triplicity rulership. You should be strong relative to your employer as Saturn is the second strongest planet in the chart. However Saturn is not well placed. He's in the eighth House, which among other things signifies 'fear and anxiety of mind' - which seems to be what you are suffering now. Even worse, Saturn is combust, he cannot be seen for the Sun and not being seen is a significant Astrological debility. The Sun is Lord 8 so is to blame for the fear and anxiety, Both placement and combustion do much to rob Saturn of his strength. Saturn is in a parlous situation.

The Job and employer are shown by the ruler of the sign on the tenth cusp - that is Scorpio and its ruler is Mars. Scorpio describes a place that can indeed be poisonous, including stinking lakes', 'quagmires' 'sinks', and 'moorish grounds'. Now your place of work may not literally be one of these but your description of it suggests that these are all good metaphors.

Your question is more about the motivation of your boss rather than the atual work place. So I'll use Mars here to represent her. Mars is in Scorpio and in the ninth House. Mars is actually quite dignified and in a stronger position than Saturn. So your boss is quite strong here, or at least seemingly so.

Mars is in an applying conjunction to Venus which is conjunct the tenth cusp and is therefore significant in some way. Traditionally astrologers would treat planets within 5 degrees of a cusp as being in the that house - that moves Venus to the tenth and even Mars would be considered tenth on this measure. Therefore the job and your boss seem to be at the very centre of this question (perhaps stating the obvious but as the chart confirms it all, hopefully the answer is also there).

The prime motivation of your boss is her own self interest here. That in turn is related to whatever Venus represents. Venus rules the nith House of professional knowledge - so you may possess knowledge that is important, at least short term and is needed. You might not be aware of it but I would suspet that it is there.

Venus also rules the fourth and fifth Houses. The fourth signifies Land, including whatever is buried under it - 'buried treasure' which doesn't have to be in the form of money, gold or jewels - it could be mineral rights, mineral deposits, Also whatever is on the land - buildings or other immovables.

The fifth is the Joy of Venus and is associated with Venusian (Venal and Venereal) activities - fun, sport, sex, children, taverns and restaurants and gambling. Now none of those seem obviously relevant here, (though it's possible they will strike a chord with you), with the exception of gambling. Gambling includes the Stock Market, so it's possible that in some way stock prices and stock movements are important here. Whatever it is that Venus signifies it must be related to your employment and it may just as easily be a mixture of both desire and fear - Venus is in detriment in Scorpio.

There are two star aspects of note. Firstly Venus is conjunct Acrux, which symbolises a focus on the physical world (and Venus is ruler of the fourth House of Land) and the MC is conjunct Aphecca, which signifies fruitfulness (productivity). So it's possible that in someway or other you are needed to maintain productivity here.

Saturn's conjunction will be over in around 10-12 days, things will change in your power relationship with your boss, so it might be that trying again at that point may well be successful. You might therefore think of whether there's anything that is going on that will be finished in that period.

Sorry I can't get more out of the chart than that.

Edited to add:

Mars is in the terms of Jupiter. Now I wouldn't normally go this far down the 'motivation' tree but a second look shows Jupiter is Lord 12. There is some 'secrecy' or hidden motivation. Now that might well be related to the other reasons - is their some secret that you are privy to, though you might not be consciously aware of?


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Minderwiz said:
The chart is cast during the hour of Saturn and has Capricorn rising. So a radical chart. You are signified by Saturn. Saturn in Libra is highly dignified by exaltation and triplicity rulership. You should be strong relative to your employer as Saturn is the second strongest planet in the chart. However Saturn is not well placed. He's in the eighth House, which among other things signifies 'fear and anxiety of mind' - which seems to be what you are suffering now.

Oh boy!!! Let me tell you, this place has been giving me SOOOOO much anxiety, as the environment is so toxic and abusive. This company is seriously exploiting the poor job market here in the US. And I have already had to complain to HR about conditions here and how we are being treated (I am not the only one who has complained recently). I have trouble sleeping most nights because there is so much confusion and blame going around this place. So much negativity.

Minderwiz said:
The Job and employer are shown by the ruler of the sign on the tenth cusp - that is Scorpio and its ruler is Mars. Scorpio describes a place that can indeed be poisonous, including stinking lakes', 'quagmires' 'sinks', and 'moorish grounds'. Now your place of work may not literally be one of these but your description of it suggests that these are all good metaphors.

Honestly, I wouldn't have even brought any of this up had you not. By the way, she just happens to be a Scorpio.

Minderwiz said:
Your question is more about the motivation of your boss rather than the actual work place. So I'll use Mars here to represent her. Mars is in Scorpio and in the ninth House. Mars is actually quite dignified and in a stronger position than Saturn. So your boss is quite strong here, or at least seemingly so.

She's an overly dramatic pit-bull in a mini-skirt. Everything that you have written is very, very clear to me.

Minderwiz said:
The prime motivation of your boss is her own self interest here. That in turn is related to whatever Venus represents. Venus rules the nith House of professional knowledge - so you may possess knowledge that is important, at least short term and is needed. You might not be aware of it but I would suspect that it is there.

Two things apply with this statement here: First, I do visual merchandising in the fashion (Venus) industry. And one must be aesthetically talented (Venus) to do this job well and be effective enough to make an impact. It involves a high degree of creativity, as well as smarts. I am one of only two people in this position who has an undergraduate degree, and I am the only one who actually has an above average level of intelligence (not tooting my own horn, just trying to convey the situation to you so that you & I can both piece together how all of this applies to the chart). The other girl who has a college degree is dumb as rocks (though highly creative). She hasn't mastered the English language (born and raised in America), her handwriting is that of a 4 year old, and I suspect that she may have a slight learning disability. Everyone with two eyes and ears recognizes that she's not the brightest individual but yet my manager promoted her over me. I suspect that the secret may possibly be that they made the decision to promote her to spite me. Why? Secret #2: I took to my twitter account and tweeted about the harsh working conditions, abuse, and mistreatment of us at my company everyday for nearly a week and then I stopped. My manager, instead of confronting me about it, promoted her immediately. It didn’t bother me until they realized that it didn’t bother me, so they began to use her to leverage other underhanded tactics against me (all unbeknownst to her I’m almost sure). Basically they used her as a pawn, but didn’t count on the fact that I have the ability to be as un-emotional as a piece of paper (5 planets in air).

I’m saying all of this to say that the one with the professional knowledge, leadership ability, and maturity is ME! The one that they have to teach how to say the word “client” instead of “crient” lol is the girl that they tried to use to teach me a lesson. It failed. Instead, I worked a bit harder to prove that I was unmoved, and then I recently put in my 2 weeks. Being the Scorpio that she is she demanded to know the real reason for my resignation. Being the Libra that I am I gave the most diplomatic answer that I could, “Oh, I just feel that the visual team is in such a great place now, honestly, I don’t think that I am needed here anymore. I just feel that things would be ok here though I’m moving on.” She continued to try to pry and get the “real” reason out of me, and then outright refusing to accept the resignation. Minderwiz, I make $10 an hour at this company, I could barely buy myself lunch! Plus I come to work everyday to confusion and managers yelling at us. I could not take it not another day! This was the worst job experience that I have ever had, and I have had some toughies!

Minderwiz said:
Whatever it is that Venus signifies it must be related to your employment and it may just as easily be a mixture of both desire and fear - Venus is in detriment in Scorpio.

There are two star aspects of note. Firstly Venus is conjunct Acrux, which symbolises a focus on the physical world (and Venus is ruler of the fourth House of Land) and the MC is conjunct Aphecca, which signifies fruitfulness (productivity). So it's possible that in someway or other you are needed to maintain productivity here.

Ok in response to this statement: It is my job to make this building (4th House) and the merchandise therein (fashion items/clothing-5th house) look good! When I do my job, the merchandise sells. Since I have come on board the sales have increased. I cannot say that the increase in sales is due to me, but I'm sure in some way that I have played my part. Also, and I am not in any way trying to sound vain but I have to relate this to Venus, but I look good. I dress nice. I am always manicured and presentable. Having me in the building makes the company look good! No one would ever guess that I make $10 an hour, rather, I look like someone who is doing really well for myself on any given day. And I suppose that she must have been taking that into consideration. That is the only thing that I can think of. In relation to Aphecca, I think that I was one of the most productive individuals there. I worked my ass off and I got the job done! I THINK SO!! However, they were always trying to make us feel like we weren't really worth anything, like we were always failing and disappointing them. I never got credit for my productivity, so its interesting that it has been addressed in the horary.

Minderwiz said:
Saturn's conjunction will be over in around 10-12 days, things will change in your power relationship with your boss, so it might be that trying again at that point may well be successful. You might therefore think of whether there's anything that is going on that will be finished in that period.

Yep! In fact there is and you are so on-point for mentioning it. Saturn made an exact transit to my natal Pluto (in 7th) yesterdat. I put in my 2-week notice last Monday, I believed that I asked you the horary question a few days later, and by Thursday the sh*t hit the fan. Let's just say that I am no longer there. I guess she had time to think about the fact that I was leaving and she began to project her anger onto me thereafter. She even threatened to send me home. lol Friday I called out, by Saturday they had taken me off of the schedule altogether, and I'm still unsure about whether or not I was fired or if I resigned. I even have anxiety about going up there to pick up the rest of my things. She is just that wild that I am intimidated to even see her on last time! lol

Minderwiz said:
Edited to add:

Mars is in the terms of Jupiter. Now I wouldn't normally go this far down the 'motivation' tree but a second look shows Jupiter is Lord 12. There is some 'secrecy' or hidden motivation. Now that might well be related to the other reasons - is their some secret that you are privy to, though you might not be consciously aware of?

Now that you mentioned it, the one thing that I can think of is that she has told me that she doesn't like one of the district managers, but yet every time he comes into the building she is laughing in his face like a wild hyena. She has mentioned her resentment toward him a few times. Yet I never threw her under the bus and mentioned it to anyone though she is underhanded and manipulative. If there is another secret (perhaps someone else is about to get let go and only she knows, and perhaps this is the reason that she was trying so hard to keep me on????) I don't know. I don't want to make up scenarios. But I KNEW that this was going to be a difficult situation to get out of in the first place. When I did a Tarot reading the evening before submitting my resignation the 7 of swords and Moon came up. The 2 of Swords came up next to the Moon giving me the idea that she was 2 faced. The Swords and the Moon is again validating that there is some sort of secret, yet I have no idea. And I am still as confused as ever, not knowing if I should just let the situation go and never look back, or if I should go get my things and clean out my folders. I don't know. Just a messy situation.

Thank you so much Minderwiz! You have helped me to get some clarity into an otherwise confusing and dilapidating situation.


*Edit: Reading back over the chart, Scorpio and Mars on the MC, I also sense that there is a lot of jealousy in relation to this place. Jealousy either just pervades the atmosphere, OR it could be that there was jealousy specifically toward me. Hhhhmmm...

Maria Tarot

Minderwiz said:
same age as you OR older, so both will hold - but I wouldn't think any younger.

I found very interesting how things fix all together (astro and tarot).
I want to thank you this reading, I really liked it.
It was encouraging.


Where do you think Tarot got its symbolism from? :)



Thanks for your detailed feedback. I should have picked the fashion industry for Venus but otherwise a good set of hits.

Incidentally you mention jealousy and traditionally that is debilitated Venus (and in the chart Venus is in detriment). So she could well be jealous of you (Mars/Venus conjunction). and as the conjunction is applying. the jealousy would be growing.

I'm glad you've got out - staying on would have seen matters getting worse. The very best of luck in getting another job.


End of Thread

I'm now going to close this thread.

I'll do some more horaries in November, after my holiday next month.

Thanks to all who contributed. I really enjoyed doing those readings