8 of swords as world wide web ?


I've never seen the 8 of Swords in relation to the internet but the 8 of Wands sometimes can indicate it.

Like I said 8 swords = inbox, since a message is "incased". Also, I get this too for packages that is "tightly" wrapped with tape all over it. It is like the package is tied up, or bounded aka imprisoned by tape, ribbons, or gift wrap.

For me, I rarely get 8 wands for emails, mail, etc. Maybe the rare occassion when a letter that I am sending (not anyone sending to me) is going to be taken to the post office for air delivery cross country or international where 8 Wands = airplane or air flight.

I think why 8 swords = email for me is that a message is trapped in your computer until you open it up with an username and passwords where no one can open it up but you. So the message (email) is like a tied up victim waiting to be set free by you logging in your computer/email.


These are all very interesting. I'm glad everyone posted their meanings here. They all make sense and are new meanings for the 8 of Swords. Just goes to show that, no matter how long we've been reading, there are new things we're continually learning about the cards. :)


Yeah, I have learned through experience that cards speak/show up for you a certain way that won't for other people. Or maybe it does show for people, but they don't know how to interpret the message yet.

I have kept tarot diaries where I assumed the card meant one thing, but a year or so later, when I re-read my diary after life events have happened and I have time to mentally digest them along with the tarot, I come to realize that the cards were trying to tell me something else totally different days, weeks, months or years later, than the day I did the tarot reading.


I cant see the www as one card, it has too many meanings in too many scenarios, 8 swords would be one of the last cards Id thnk of as it is not about restriction , but the opposite, just my two cents

the fool maybe, and it probably does need a major as its a major worldwide development for most peoples

Heirophant reversed too maybe as rebellion against the encoded "truth" ??


I can totally see the 8 swords as an Internet day... you open pinterest "for a minute" and two hours later you're wondering how long would it take you to cook a month of perfectly good freezer meals (why would I do that? Who cares, the real question is how can I get a crockpot for this evening?).

So yeah, trapped. Totally.


I would say with the eight of swords that the limits of the internet is beyond human eye. Internet is infinite like space, humans are the limits.