Practice Grand tablau


I wondered if anyone wanted to have a practice on a GT, we could take it in turns posting one and then help each other with the interpretations?

Perhaps as a thread for each GT and we help eachother out? but we must obviously do the first analysis ourselves?

Anyone fancy it as a one off?


I have had quite little practice with reading the GT, so I'd be interested. I may feel more comfortable if someone else goes first and the rest of us chime in, so I can get some clearer ideas how to interpret the spread though!


am happy to start first so you can all laugh, am fairly bad at connecting the
will post one tomorow


I'm so happy to see some interest in this!! When I came to AT, it was to find some practice with the GT, and there wasn't anyone who even wanted to tackle it..! 3-5 cards max.. they had said! Pffff...

Anyways, there are a few methods out there and two spreads (9X4 and 8X4 + 4). Which one did you want to practice?

Here's a link to the Treppner discussion:

I also posted my own modified method here:

I'd be happy to practice any one of these...!


I posted a GT a while ago but no one participated, so... I'm doing it each month anyways. I have one for June as well.


I have read both threads, they helped me and still help me, my friend who took me through it initially seems to use part of the treppner method.

I have tried both the 8X4 and the 9X4 and i am settled on the 9X4 at the moment as its neater, am too virgo;-)

i will use any part of hte method that seems right, am sure people will pick the method they are learning with, am sure it will end up meaning the same in the end.


Ronia said:
I posted a GT a while ago but no one participated, so... I'm doing it each month anyways. I have one for June as well.
sorry ronia i didnt see your past one, i will happily participate in your june one too, more the merrier:)

i might not be much help though!!


Ronia said:
I posted a GT a while ago but no one participated, so... I'm doing it each month anyways. I have one for June as well.

Did not notice.. Or didn't realise it was a practice..! Maybe we could use them as practice. And yes Red, the point isn't favoring a method over the other, just developing your own method and refining it. I have mine, but I'm always learning and refining. Interestingly, I got very good results as did the Treppner in another forum... Both on the same spread, so your idea that results would be similar is bang on. :D


GT and first impressions


I missed out a row of numbers by mistake, this is the correct one:

I find it interesting that card 22 which is crossroads/path, is in the house of crossroad/paths. Does this make it null and void?
I am here in the corner of the spread, using the degrees of influence method I would say that because things are largely beyond my influence because I have nothing below me, and I am at the far corner of the spread. I have set some foundations in the past few months, so it feels like this month would be the manifestation/fruition of previous months.

I assume because I am at the edge of the spread, in the house of karma, it is written in the stars so to speak.I am not saying I am an innocent bystander, but I have done majority of the work am waiting for answers etc. For example, I have given my new boss (we had a reorganization recently) a presentation to show him my ideas and concepts, also the skills I bring to the department. I now have to wait for the results of his discussions with the other heads of department, so now it’s the waiting game, I have done everything I can.

Ring+whip+scythe and also Scythe+whip+ring seem to say the same to me something ends abruptly, because the whip is in the centre I would say reading it both ways, that arguments and disagreements are ‘cut’ . The issue I have here, is it read, up or down? Is it Ring+whip+scythe or Scythe+whip+ring, is it a cut to arguments about commitment or a contract? I know I am not getting divorced (not married). Also the scythe is in the house of flowers, and in the house of scythe is the fox, so could this also mean sudden employment?

will post more later today or tomorrow


Hey Red,

Looks like I posted at the same time as you, and my reply got bumped..! No worries though. Ronia: didn't realise those were practice threads. I think we should definately get a Learning Circle just for the GT in general, and if you're organizing one each month, all the better. Count me in! :)

Now, Red:

Whenever the querrent falls to the sides like that, especially the right side of the spread, it's been my experience that the querrent is about to undergo some big changes and that it's not the right time to forecast any predictions until the changes have happened. Yes, it probably is all Karmic and your world is changing around you.

With respect to your question on a card falling in its own house (and I'm totally new to Treppner, so this is a stab in the dark for me), I'd be tempted to say that it solidifies its meaning, and doesn't nullify it. Since the path fall in the house of pathes, it's almost like a choice is before you, but you don't yet see the choice. Any path will likely do, right? But there are too many choices and questions that you can't make up your mind. That said, I would normally read the diagonals from the X-road to see what we're talking about instead of resorting to the houses...

So your crossroads is surrounded by the coffin and fish on the one hand (coffin / path / fish) and the anchor and rider on the other. Perhaps you're not being as successful financially as you would like (in fact, hard times given the coffin and fish) and you're undecided whether you should keep at things until you here some good news.

I'm only answering this part because you specifically asked about the path, but given that it doesn't fall in your present or your past (we have no future to read), I would not have gone to read it in the first place.

Above you, as you have noticed are several bad cards. If they haven't happened yet, they're about to. It looks like the end of a job / layoffs or something of the sorts that you're unable to avoid. I think it's sudden unemployment. Let's look at more details...

Directly diagonal to the scythe is the mountain and the unknown. Ok, this looks like you're cutting away at a problem /blockage and that it will end. A tad more positive perhaps?

Directly diagonal to the whip is the garden and book, so this might mean that you'll have some strife within your entourage... people around you fighting and upset at things at the unknown.

Right above you is the ring, diagonally to the ring are the clouds and mountain. Perhaps the commitment / contract isn't all that great, and causing some confusion or anxiety, not to mention it's binding / hindering your progress.

Your question "how do I read it? Up or down?" to me, the answer is the closer something is to the querrent card, the more affected by it the person is. You're more affected by the ring than the scythe... that said, they all influence your present and that means they all affect you greatly.