What cards denote a divorce or separation?


4 of wands (r) primarily or another happy card reversed that ties in with family. I've often had World too come up in the outcome or end of a spread, which shows that something is completed and done with.


I would say the Death card.




In my experience the other one to look out for is the 3 of Swords - it almost always appears somewhere when there's a separation/divorce pending/coming up; often accompanied by any of: The Tower, the Knight of Swords, the 7 of cups.


The 3 of Swords showed up a year before my now ex husband and I got divorced. I find that it shows up when a relationship is going to end and when a third party (affair) is involved. This was definitely the case with my ex husband.


From the perspective of the cheater, I've had Lovers upright in the near-future position near 7 of cups. Can still make a choice, and there are many; the 3rd party is a lustful option but not relationship material, can continue on in secret (which appears to be most likely atm), move out and be single, etc. Result was King of Pentacles reversed. Husband is very earthy, dated her for security, married for traditional reason and urges by conservative parents. A workaholic who would turn even more cold at the loss of his dignity. Again, the choices are still up in the air on this one. He doesn't know yet.


For divorce specifically, Hierophant Rx, separation in general, with or without a marriage, a whole series of cards, from the Lovers rx, ace of cups rx, 4 of wands rx, 2 of cups rx, Death, the World...


For divorce I think 2 of pentacles and 5 of wands rx tower for a big change in life.,3 of swords maybe represent the third person in the mariage and 5 of cups but I am not sure


I looked up this thread because I just did a reading about this topic. Guess which cards were in the spread?

The Tower represented my client's state - she was ready to leave him (she told me so), but something was still holding her back.

Then I got 2 of cups and 10 of cups as the future development of the relationship.
Outcome 4 of cups.

I don't see them getting a divorce. I see them rather living together and feeling "wanting" and unfulfilled until they sit down together and resolve their issues.

As per: What needs to happen in order for my client to find happiness again - I got The Sun.


I did a reading once recently where The Tower and Ten of Cups side by side represented separation/the ending of a relationship.

I guess for divorce you might need to add Justice to the mix...

My two sense, tower denotes complete ending of a relationship, there's nothing else to build on... Three of swords represent break up.