Marseilles Deck and VIII


I have a Marseilles-style deck in which I recently noticed that the Justice card is at VIII. Now, considering I always used to transfer the RWS meanings to the pips of the Minor Arcana, I find myself unable to do so, because in the RWS the eighth card is Strength, and as such the 8s have illustrations pertaining to Strength. However, since I am using a Marseilles-style deck with unillustrated pips, I have no reference point when attempting to interpret the 8s. I do undestand I should use numerology and the elements of the suits, however I am not sure how to combine that with the fact that Justice brings balance and justice, and it is the Tarot card that subsequently is linked to the 8s. So, in my mind, I need to have Justice + elements + numerological 8.

Below I shall attempt to follow this strategy:

8 of Swords: An old idea that is springing forth again in your mind, this time meant to be more fitting, just, and balanced in relation to the issue discussed. An epiphany. Adapting more to your surroundings. Maybe an issue from the past coming into your life again to take the spotlight. Re-evaluation of plans.

8 of Wands: Closely thought-out actions that are to soon emerge to give a fair solution to the issue at hand. Controlled passions chanelled through a purpose, revenge, waiting for the right moment to strike. Past actions and/or intense passions and feelings coming to intervene or interfere with your life in a positive way.

8 of Cups: Balancing your inner emotional world. Having the ability to make just decisions despite your personal feelings on the matter. Revitalising and reviewing your feelings about something or someone. Seeing the bright side while still having a firm grip on reality.

8 of Pentacles: Just deserts, getting what you were finally trying to attain after lots of effort. Money legally on the way, a bonus, (winning the lottery,) inheritance. Using your financial prowess to aid justice, or charity. Managing and investing your financial assets in an efficient way that will increase them in the near future.

What do you think? Keep in mind that even if these are good interpretations, it's... strange if I use the RWS correspondences for every other number except the 8s, or so I think...


I think you're doing well. :) The interpretations you've given are a good starting point, and the actual meanings of TdM 8s will develop and get refined as you'll keep getting them in actual readings.

I think it would be useful to actually reexamine other pips and to see if the suggested framework makes sense for them as well. What do the 'sad' 3 of Swords and the 'happy' 3 of Cups have in common? Or 2 of Wands and 2 of Pentacles/Coins? Or 10 of Swords and 10 of Pentacles/Coins? How are they connected to the corresponding numbers and Majors?

It's also necessary to remember that interpreting pips through Major + element + numerology is not the only or the most correct way to do so. Visual cues also have their place in TdM, though, perhaps, to a smaller degree than in fully-illustrated decks.

Hope this helps. :)


I'm one of those people that went to the TdM to be freed from what I perceived as the rigidity of the illustrated RWS minors, so my feelings on this might not be useful, but:

To be honest, your interpretations are not at odds with the most common numerology based interpretations. Eights are often described as "stability" or "efficiency," and balanced is a pretty related concept.

A well balanced sword is stable in your hand and moves through the air efficiently. An unbalanced weapon does not. See?

So if it works for you, go with it. You seem to have put a good amount of thought into your interpretations and it strikes me as a pretty fair compromise of systems.