Do you have a particular card that represents you?


I've pretty much fixated on the 4 of cups since I got my first deck about 15 years ago. I painted it on a canvas board back then and It's hanging up even now. Every time I hear of a new deck, I rush to see what "my card" looks like -- when I saw the winged white horse in the tarot of the new vision I was like WTH?? (Maybe it's coming to save me from the 4 of cups!).

I think it reminds me I haven't had enough gratitude for the ways I've been fortunate. I'm curious if you have a certain card that calls to you? Does it change or stay the same?

The Happy Squirrel

My birth cards are the Fool and Death. But I am most drawn to the Devil. Every time I am interested in a new deck I would check out first the Death and Devil cards :)


9 of Pents for me, always :) It seems to be my special card, and if the art fails it in a deck, it can be a deal-breaker for me. The Sun is another card that has to be - just right! So I would say those are my two "special" cards :)


My personality card is the Hermit, so I always like to check out
how this image is depicted in each deck.

The card I am truly drawn to and think of as "mine" is Justice.
In the more "traditional" decks, the scales and the sword make
me think of my astrological sign (Libra). I don't know if that is the
correct astrological association or not, but that is how I think of it.
And I'm not always especially drawn to the artwork, but every time
I see this card I think, "Yep, that's me!".


Like RRD my personality card is also The Hermit but it's not a card I tend to go to immediately nor do I have particularly strong feelings about how it should be represented. The Star, Strength and the Moon, though, those I'm pickier about. And the HP.

OP, if I'm understanding you correctly you're asking which card best represents us rather than which cards we're drawn to? For me it's a combination of the Nine of Pentacles and the Six of Swords.


The Page of Cups is the total "me" card, there is no doubt about it! I'm a very strong INFP and that's exactly what that card can represent.


Since I was a kid, I've felt drawn to the Hanged Man. And the thirteenth trump, of course. I never buy a deck without knowing what those two look like.

I rather do wish I was innately drawn to something more unambiguously cheerful sometimes...


Dat Emp

The Emperor is my favorite card. It is, indeed, my birth card and it resonates strongly with me even besides that. The Emperor always hits me strongly in a reading and makes me take pause!

The Star, Judgment, The World and The Devil are important cards to me as well--in about that order. But The Emperor reigns supreme :)

As far as minors go, the Page of Cups is special for me because I find it such a creative card, with that traditional fish-in-the-cup since RWS. The Knight of Wands, Knight of Pentacles, and the Queen of Pentacles are all important to me as court cards, too. My favorite "pips" are the 4 of Wands, and the 8 of Cups.

I guess you can say I have a lot of favorites :)


I've pretty much fixated on the 4 of cups since I got my first deck about 15 years ago. I painted it on a canvas board back then and It's hanging up even now. Every time I hear of a new deck, I rush to see what "my card" looks like -- when I saw the winged white horse in the tarot of the new vision I was like WTH?? (Maybe it's coming to save me from the 4 of cups!).
Sounds as if that is your totemic card!

I'm curious if you have a certain card that calls to you? Does it change or stay the same?

Always have had. They change, but they change slowly, or as your life changes. When I spent seven years working full-time in a toxic environment doing anti-community things for my living, the Nine Swords was my card. I've been through two Court cards, half a dozen minors and two Majors. Currently, and for the last many years, it's been Justice. When I move on, it will gradually change. :)


I have my favorites in the Thoth. Lust and Art are the trumps that most strongly call me. 3/Wands, 4/Wands and 6/Pentacles in the pips. And all the Aces - I love the Aces. In the court cards: Knight/Pentacles, Queen/Cups and Princess/Pentacles.

Fool and Emperor represent my husband.

In other decks - it depends. Thoth is simply so strong and influenced the way I see these cards.