New Spread for Finding Lost Objects


Hullo everyone,

I recently lost an emerald ring. It's a favorite of mine, and i assumed it would turn up again on its own, but after a week or two of it being gone, I decided it was time to do some actual looking around for it, so I grabbed my Tarot deck.

I laid out several spreads to try and find a card that would represent my missing ring. After three or four spreads, it seemed like Strength was the best choice. I also find that I wear rings to feel stronger/more powerful during the day, so I figured it was an appropriate card.

Anyway, the spread I came up with is a complicated one, and the technique as a whole might be a little complicated to explain in a text-based medium. Text based instructions are below, but if you feel so inclined, I invite you to take a look at the video demo I felt inspired to make following my experience:

Ok, the technique:
Deck used: Gay Tarot published by Lo Scarabeo
After determining which card represents the missing object, I laid out 3 rows of seven cards, dealing from top to bottom, right to left:


Strength still hadn't shown itself, so I kept dealing, this time on top of the existing layer of cards in the gaps and spaces where four cards come together. So, numbers 22-33, these cards will be dealt on top of the base spread:


For me, my lost object card (Strength) showed up in position 23 or 24, I believe.
I was then able to eliminate the non-relevant cards from the table, retaining only those which were touching the Strength card or which were adjacent to it in the four cardinal directions. What I essentially ended up with, therefore, was a six card spread, configured according to the diagram below:


2-4 of Wands (in reverse)
3-Queen of Pentacles
4-2 of Wands
5-Page of Swords
6-Queen of Swords

I then looked at the imagery on the card on Strength's level and the four cards underneath to try and form some idea about where the ring might be. The card to the left of Strength (four of wands) showed people painting a set piece on a stage, and I thought "ok, painting." There were two queens underneath, one of pentacles, the other of wands, and another card from the suit of wands depicting a man leaning against some sort of gardening implement after having just prepared a flowerbed for planting. So, from the queens I didn't get anything other than "ok, feminine energy," and from the gardening man, i got "laying a foundation." The last card underneath was the Page of Swords, and it didn't mean anything to me at the time, however, this card had a man sitting in front of a computer, which I later took to mean "appliance/machine."

I then cast my gaze around my apartment and noticed my box of art supplies (including paints) which I had left out on my kitchen floor. I had been working on my acrylic painting skills lately. I went over to the box and thought about the pentacles meanings and started looking around on the ground. I saw the base of my dress form (I'm a fashion designer, so my mannequin was standing in the kitchen next to the fridge). I immediately thought "oh my goodness, feminine energy." I realized as I followed the clues I was getting closer and closer to the fridge, and I thought to myself "can it really be this simple?"

I grabbed a flashlight and looked under the fridge, and sure enough, there was the ring! I was delighted, and I fished it out using a cat toy, which seems appropriate as I determined that it must have been my mischievous kitten who must have knocked it off my table and onto the floor.

When I compared my technique to some of the others in the forums, however, it seems mine might have been a little complicated--maybe too much so. ;) Still, it sort of fits my personality, so I wondered if that might have accounted for some of the success I had with it. Anyway, I just wanted to post the technique in case it inspires or helps anyone else. If anyone cares to try it out, I'd love to hear your assessment of it!


Moderator note

Hi Alacrael,

Wow, what an interesting spread, I'm very glad you found your ring and thanks for explaining this to us.. There have been many threads here about finding lost objects but I've never seen one like this.

In the interest of learning and so others can follow along and maybe offer some additional input, could you please tell us the name of the deck you've used and add the card names of the cards surrounding Strength in your spread?
You've mentioned the Queens and Page but not the names of the other cards.
I suspect that the 'gardening man' card is the 7 of Pentacles and "people painting a set piece on a stage" may be the 3 of Pentacles but it would help us all to understand if you would clarify.
We also ask that everyone who replies to a thread in Your Readings actually offers some thoughts on the cards and without their labels it's impossible for that to happen.

You have a private message from the Talking Tarot moderating team explaining why the thread was moved to Your Readings.. PMs can be found in the top right hand corner of the screen.

Could everyone else please wait?

Sulis - moderator


Edited and Updated

Hi Sulis,

Thanks so much to you and the other moderators for helping me to post this in the proper forum and making me aware of standard practices/rules for getting a clearer post! I appreciate it greatly. :)

I have updated the original posting with the specific information you mentioned in the hopes that it makes everything clearer and more useful! I hope it leads to fascinating discussions. :D