10 of Swords as how someone sees you...


Maybe I'm being overly optimistic, but my gut instinct said that he thinks I'm drop dead gorgeous. The reason I see that is because the guy is down on the ground, head first, and stuck. When something really catches your eye you are stuck and overruled by that persons or things beauty for a moment. Then you shake your head and come to your senses and finally respond to the gorgeous creature saying hello to you. I actually saw him do that before when I first met him, and he's told me flat out he think I'm "beautiful" or "gorgeous" "too good for him". The cards surrounding it were positive. The Lovers was in my reading also as his feelings for me (that card has been popping up a lot in this position, and in the same position as the 10 of Swords here). Overall the spread had a bunch of other nice cards. The only card that I saw I was iffy about was that 10 of Swords. In that position it doesn't seem bad but who knows. That's why I'm here asking for help :p . The worst meaning for this card would be that maybe he thinks I'm a drama queen. However that doesn't make sense because we don't fight. We may bicker here and there, but it's not a full on argument. I don't really think this to be true at all. If I say and explained how we interact, you would understand why that wouldn't make sense to me. I go out of my way to be cool and laid back about everything. I don't jump the gun and get mad at him or assume the worst. That was once a bad habit of mine. Now I just talk stuff out with him.

The Lovers as how feelings for me? Maybe he feels a strong connection to me. He loves me even though he may or may not think I'm a drama queen. I mean I can't really think of a more blantant card to tell you how someone feels for you. He feels as though I'm his twin flame.

Anyways please tell me what other interpretations you may have for me. If you can't see what I'm talking about in the 10 of Swords tell me what you see. :)



[Moderator hat on] You need to provide your own interpretation of the Lovers since you mentioned it. [Moderator hat off]

What a lot of folks seem to forget about positions like "how does X see Y?" is that the question is about X and not about Y. X could see Y in a way that Y doesn't see themselves. So even though you don't see yourself as a drama queen, doesn't mean that he doesn't see you that way. It's also possible that he sees you as a perpetual victim or as someone who will do anything for attention. Again, you may not see yourself that way and/or that may not be true for you, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't see you that way.

Drop dead gorgeous sounds like seeing what you want to see in the card, which is one of the dangers of reading for oneself....



I read somewhere (can't remember where) that when you're asking about how someone else feels about you, then the spread you've done is to be read as though you were in that person's head.

Here's some food for thought for you. If he feels this: he's told me flat out he think I'm "beautiful" or "gorgeous" "too good for him" then it's not so likely that he'd think you were his soulmate or twin flame. The two of you would need to be on a more equal footing in his estimation to be the perfect match, don't you think?

I don't really see the 10 of Swords as being something positive as how one person thinks about another person. And I absolutely don't think the 10 of Swords would mean somebody is drop dead gorgeous. lol That guy with all those swords in his back didn't just drop dead. Somebody did him in.


I read somewhere (can't remember where) that when you're asking about how someone else feels about you, then the spread you've done is to be read as though you were in that person's head.

Here's some food for thought for you. If he feels this: he's told me flat out he think I'm "beautiful" or "gorgeous" "too good for him" then it's not so likely that he'd think you were his soulmate or twin flame. The two of you would need to be on a more equal footing in his estimation to be the perfect match, don't you think?

I don't really see the 10 of Swords as being something positive as how one person thinks about another person. And I absolutely don't think the 10 of Swords would mean somebody is drop dead gorgeous. lol That guy with all those swords in his back didn't just drop dead. Somebody did him in.

Yep being knifed cant seem gorgeous except to psycopaths lol



Maybe the attraction is to vulnerable people/victims?.i dont have a good feeling, find someone else!


Well being a drama queen would be one of the better ways to see someone as this card. Even reversed it would imply a fresh start, taking a break. Tens are the ending of a phase. I personally see the tens as the over exaggeration of that suit. Being swords too much talk and over thinking.

Seeing someone as drop dead gorgeous from this card would need support from other surrounding cards. I have never read it as this, but I did not pull these cards.

The Lovers for me is a choice card, dealing with love. A twin flame for me is a karmic connection, lovers is a choice. Many feel the twin flame card is the connection of the two of Cups. When the lovers card appears it speaks of questioning his lust and his logic. An older version of the lovers card used an illustration of a man having to choose between two different women, a beautiful young one, and a not so beautiful older one. His feelings now maybe one of decision.


I also don't really see this card as someone sees you as drop dead gorgeous but if that is your feeling on it, that's your feeling, go with it :) I was trying to think of a way to make the card apply to that idea and you know those models and people who are so beautiful (beauty is of course subjective), with their flawless skin and often the knives are out for them. People want to knife them in the back and take advantage but this might be more in the beautiful person's mind than the reality!

I would interpret this with the positive cards around that he is interested in you and maybe the 10 of Swords is positive in that he sees you as someone who can bounce back from a crisis? Could you have told him about healing and dealing with difficult circumstances in an area of your life? Often this card has the sun rising in the background and so better times than this scene are ahead! But he could also see you as a victim in some way and feel sympathy for you and this card (with the swords) is largely about your thoughts and words, perhaps you are negative about yourself or don't sell yourself as wonderful as you are? just some ideas :)


He may want you (the lovers) but he doesn't believe he can have you (10 of swords). This is the card of negative expectations.


A weary, dull mind. Obsessing. Overthinking. Over-dramatizing. Mental exhaustion. Melodramatic. Rejection. Hopelessness. Powerlessness. Mental anguish. Backstabber. Not in the mood for romantic thoughts. Being pinned down to the ground...

...those are what I associate with the 10 of Swords :)

You asked what he thinks of you, perhaps the cards are playing at the suggestion that his thoughts about/of you involve rejection, helplessness and powerlessness. Or perhaps thoughts of you makes him mentally exhausted. Or he thinks that you are a backstabber and/or not to be trusted. Or perhaps he thinks of you as someone melodramatic or obsesses, overthinks, and over-dramatizes. Or his thoughts of you are obsessive somehow. Or maybe he thinks that you yap, yap, yap and need to drop whatever issue that you're yapping about :D[FONT=&quot]

Hmm.. who knows!


I can certainly see the drop dead gorgeous thing you're talking about. This is a dramatic card, which brings to mind "goddamm you're killing me!" You have quite a dramatic effect on him by the look of it. Its not always a crappy card. But it is a dramatic card. I've always seen it more about drama than anything else, because, who needs more than 1 sword to kill someone? It's so over the top! If he sees you as drop dead gorgeous, then no doubt he also sees you as someone he'd like to "pin to the ground" repeatedly, if you get my drift. ;)


10 of swords..
A negative card i must say.
As how someone sees you? Maybe someone easy to be hurt,very fragile that can easily be put down by a single word? Sometimes too negative,too over dramatic and very exausting in terms of emotions.
I could say this person sees u as someone who might easily backstab in return but i dont think its the case in here.
But if i take it literally.. Are u sure this person is not struggling with some stuff in his life that doesnt allow him to see you in clear picture but distorted instead? Some people out of anxiety they tend to dramatize themselves and people around them,which means he is not clear about you as a whole personality/figure because he himself needs to heal first.