2007 Tarot Lover's Calendar Cover Contest


Yup- all is cool with me, too :)

Nice compromise!


Great compromise!

Now all I need to do is empty my pockets for some spare change so that I can pre order one myself!

The 78th Fool

That sounds great!
Chris. xx


Not having 25 US, Oz dollars, rupees, baht rupiah, euros, pounds, yen or whatever ... drats! The other problems are: one, there is one cover entry that is particularly professional looking, and although it is in my final three, it doesn't personally attract me. Do my tastes reflect those of others who will buy the calendar, and, if I ever become sufficiently cashed up to buy it, would I want it with that cover? Brain ache!

Two: - there is a second one that I absolutely love, and would vote and pre-order in a minute, if I was cashed up, but which I am not sure whether the mainstream buyer would necessarily immediately associate with tarot as a whole. Three - Then there is mine ... and yes it is in the three, but not because it is mine. I hope that I can be objective enough to leave ego out of the process ... I like it in terms of selling because it has specific 'card' images and thus meets my internal criteria of something that is recognisably tarot.

Mythos mulls, and wonders how the new pre-order plan affects ultimate choice. For me, there is an element of the problem of preference according to whether one is a 'have' or a 'have not' financially speaking. Thinks .... is this even relevant, after all, 'have nots' are less likely to buy the calendar in the first place, and as it needs to be attractive to those who 'have' then the 50 point thingy has much to recommend it.

No complaints here by the way, just working this through in my own mind is all.

I suppose the most important question to come out of this - speaking as a 'have not' is when would one have to pay if one pre-orders? Then, mythos's mind-boggling complex, and ultimately silly budgetting skills can be put into action because I do want the calendar regardless of whether I win or not, and regardless of whether one of my three preferred covers is picked ... even one which doesn't particularly grab me. Why? Because I want to support both AT's Tarot artists and Tom's unstinting work. Surely that is the most important criteria of all.

My apologies for the rave but I work things through best by either talking about them or writing them down. As the cat never listens, you guys got to see a snapshot of the convoluted idiocy of mythos mind ravings.

Regardless of all ... thanks Tom!



baba-prague said:
Oh heavens! Ah - maybe it is?

I was just reading about the wonderful BBC "Spaghetti Harvest" spoof.

Have we all fallen for it?

Me, too, baba....I thought it was hysterical.... 99 cents by PayPal?????



I have never been able to afford the tarot Lover's calendar before, but have always eyed it with envy. All those original tarot decks by talented members of the forum combined would look great on my wall!
Since this year I entered in the competition I feel a bit involved in the process and woul really love to finally own a calendar.
The big question is ofcourse, which one would I pre-order? Do I go for refined, original or my own... Thankfully I have about a month to decide on that!


It would be very nice to know whose decks were going to be featured, too! We've all been so involved in each other's creation process, it would be lovely to own a copy- if only I could sort out Paypal...:(


Sidhe-Ra said:
It would be very nice to know whose decks were going to be featured, too! (

Good point Sidhe-ra! I wonder which decks will be featured in 2007's calendar! The content is after all much more important than the cover.


DraagonStorm said:
I do get tired of the 'everyone is a winner' attitude this 'PC' world is coming to.

That's not what it's about. Of course there can only be one winner, and that's perfectly fair. It's not about being 'PC', it's about not wanting AT members to feel nobody liked their entry which they put time and thought into. I don't think thinking about others' feelings is too PC, do you?

It's true the world does seem to have gone a bit mad with the political correctness :) but that doesn't mean it's always misplaced.

Sorry if this seems ranty :D


No, not to ranty... Mine was a bit ranty also..... But then, I am one of the entrants, and wanted it known that it didn't bother me on how 'this contest' was being ran.
