3 of Wands timing?


How do you read timing in tarot, generally? I've read wands signify days so if, for example, 3 of wands showed up in the position of when you'll hear from someone I would interpret this as in 3 days. Is this correct?


I think traditionally wands can represent days, for me they represent weeks though.


How do you read timing in tarot, generally? I've read wands signify days so if, for example, 3 of wands showed up in the position of when you'll hear from someone I would interpret this as in 3 days. Is this correct?

It would basically depend on what you have decided. You need to establish, or pre-programme, so to speak, how you personally view the cards in timing and then stick to that method. You have to be clear in your intent though - it's no good if you're not sure yourself and change your mind mid way or after the reading.

I myself have decided that Wands represent days, because they are what I consider the quickest in the pack. That doesn't make me necessarily right or wrong however, other people can have different views. The only thing that matters, is that you decide for yourself and stick with it. :)


By my method, linked here it works out to about three days, yes. But as Pandap so sagely says, it works best if you know the method of timing from a drawn card before you draw the card. If you have to ask later, it probably won't work for you because the deck didn't know what system you were going to use to interpret it. That being said, my system has worked well for plenty of people since the 1980s.


By my method, linked here it works out to about three days, yes. But as Pandap so sagely says, it works best if you know the method of timing from a drawn card before you draw the card. If you have to ask later, it probably won't work for you because the deck didn't know what system you were going to use to interpret it. That being said, my system has worked well for plenty of people since the 1980s.

Hi Nisaba,

I just looked at your Method and I would like to try it. But how many cards do you have to pull to answer a timing question? (sorry if I missed this detail in your thread)

I am currently using Major Arcana and their corresponding astrological association as a timing method. However, I like your idea that majors can tell you what you have to work on before an event takes place.


How do you read timing in tarot, generally? I've read wands signify days so if, for example, 3 of wands showed up in the position of when you'll hear from someone I would interpret this as in 3 days. Is this correct?

I wasn't asking a timing question but kept getting the three of wands repeatedly about an outstanding issue. It turns out that quite unexpectedly I was confronted with the issue three days in a row. And I hadn't bargained on that because I thought for sure I wouldn't see that person on those days, due to them being on a different timing to me.


Thank you everyone for the responses. I was thinking days for wands but have not read much using timing but am interested in starting to learn. Nisaba your page was helpful.


I just looked at your Method and I would like to try it. But how many cards do you have to pull to answer a timing question? (sorry if I missed this detail in your thread)

One. How could you make it work any other way?


One. How could you make it work any other way?

Well, let's say an event takes a year and 6 months to happen. You need 2 cards here ;)


Well, that's about a year. One card. Nothing about a reading is ever precise to the second - what if they slept in that day?