4 readings offered...


***closed to new sitters***

I have received 4 gorgeous new oracles. I'd love to find a sitter for each one, so please don't pick the same deck as someone else. These will not be done until Tuesday morning so nothing that you need an immediate answer to.

No health, no legal...and if you ask about a relationship let me know the status (work, love together, past love, just friends).

1. Ceccoli Oracle - Persimmon - reading posted
2. Secret Language of Colors - Goth - reading posted
3. Wisdom of the Avalon - Bonny - reading posted
4. Wisdom of the Hidden Realms - Leandra88 - reading posted

Bonus...Jenn2211 - will choose deck at random - reading posted

I will PM you on Tuesday once the reading is posted. Feedback is required. Thank you! :)


Hi there! I would love to sit for the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms if I may. My question is, what do I need to do in order to find/achieve the love/relationship that I am looking for? Thanks :)


The Secret Language of Colors...

Please what do I need to know?

Thank you!


Wisdom of the Avalon please :)

Q. What is happening at the moment for the lover coming to me? ( and if i may ask Is it C (male)?)



I would like to sit.

Q:What area in my spiritual growth needs a deeper connection?


me please! ceccoli deck please :) :heart:

could I ask: what have my angels been trying to tell me by making me see 1111 all the time the last few weeks?

edit - just wanted to add, I see the 1111 when I have a specific situation on my mind, and every time this number shows up. I feel the Angels are trying to give me a message about this specific situation I've been thinking about, but I just don't know what they want me to know as I can't be objective about it.

Thank you!


Hi there! I would love to sit for the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms if I may. My question is, what do I need to do in order to find/achieve the love/relationship that I am looking for? Thanks :)

The Sun Dancers (rx), The Chess Queen (rx) and The Hungry Ghosts

What a strange answer to your question....so first off, every single one of these cards is saying stop living in your head, stop living in the past and unknown future, stop wish and wanting to the point of robbing your NOW of life. Go out have fun. There can be no plan here. It's not something that you can strategize. What you need to do is release your desire to find a suitable partner out into the universe, then forget it. Dance, laugh, live in the present. Leave the rest alone because truly there isn't anything you can do to force it along.

In addition, The Hungry Ghosts is asking you to look beyond surfaces. I have a feeling that when this love does come along for you, they will not be what you *think* they should be/were going to be. I don't know for sure what this means for you but this is not going to be someone you would normally go for. But...it will be someone worth taking a chance on.

For now, set your intention to find someone to love and to love you back....release it into the universe**...then go live your life in the NOW.

**I'm not sure of your spiritual beliefs but I'm actually seeing a ceremony of sorts for this...gathering items in nature and releasing them into the wind with your intention.

Thanks for sitting. I hope this helps in some way. :)


The Secret Language of Colors...

Please what do I need to know?

Thank you!

Lilac - Strengthen Your Faith, Brilliance - Discover Your Sparkle, Rainbow - Connect to Spirit in Nature

You are at an interesting time in your life. I'm picturing you standing at a crossroads, unsure of your next step. Lilac comes to you today to tell you that you aren't alone in your journey God is with you and you only need to open up to feel/know/understand the truth of that statement. Lilac is the color of the Divine for you. Meditate on it, bathe yourself in that color (symbolically or physically). There is a deep connection to this color in nature for you. Do you have lilacs where you live? I'm seeing fairies peaking out of lilacs (shrugs). I don't know what this means but seek out this color to feel your special connection to the Spirit.

With the second card, :), you already know I think you are awesome but it's nice to see that the Secret Language of Color cards agree. haha. You are dimming/hiding your sparkle underneath the day to day grind. It's not intentional but life has a tendency to throw a boring, brown, wet blanket on even the shiniest ones...and you are a shiny one. Take some time to recharge, especially near moving water. Toss that blanket of life off of you. Sparkle like a Disney Fairy! (haha sorry, I'm seeing fairies for you again).

I actually looked up the meaning of the final card because I was still getting FAIRIES! and guess what the LWB says "Rainbow open the mystical relam, connecting you to Spirit, fairies, angels and your creativity. Allow Rainbow rays to lead you into the realm of fairies."

Well...guess I was on the right track. haha This card says get out into nature as much as possible at this time. Wooded areas near moving water are especially good. In your mind's eye picture a rainbow colored light over the area, see it contract to show you the exact spot to be. When you are there, meditate, there you will meet the fairies. So cool! I'm literally seeing this.

Commune often with the fairies...even in your own backyard. They are there and are highly connected to you.

I hope this resonates. Thanks for sitting! :)


Wisdom of the Avalon please :)

Q. What is happening at the moment for the lover coming to me? ( and if i may ask Is it C (male)?)

The Grail Knight, The Novice, The Hawk

I was hesitant on this as I don't usually do this sort of question. I hope what I got provides an answer. The cards were pretty vague.

The first card is about a man who is coming for you. It's pure romantic love, mutual affection, all the good stuff. As for what is happening at the moment for him...well, he showed up as a Knight. I think he travels for work, his job having to do something with helping others in need.

Now...for the second part of your question..is it C? I believe C is a man you have been involved with off and on for some time, so I really think this man that is showing up for you is NOT C. The reason I feel this is The Novice card. I believe that when this relationship comes it will be a brand new one. Totally new experience with someone completely new. Starting fresh from scratch.

The Hawk appearing is interesting. It speaks of a message being delivered to you about your question. So I don't know if you will soon hear of the guy you are going to meet (the new one) or if you are going to somehow get confirmation that C is not this guy. I just don't know but keep your eyes and ears open to this.

I hope this helps...I know it wasn't very details.

Thanks for sitting. :)


me please! ceccoli deck please :) :heart:

could I ask: what have my angels been trying to tell me by making me see 1111 all the time the last few weeks?

edit - just wanted to add, I see the 1111 when I have a specific situation on my mind, and every time this number shows up. I feel the Angels are trying to give me a message about this specific situation I've been thinking about, but I just don't know what they want me to know as I can't be objective about it.

Thank you!

3 Passivity, 14 Patronage, 20 Karma

Tough question for me this time for some reason...it was like trying to see through a fog on this one. I will give you the little info I got and hope it helps.

These cards together painted an interesting picture. There is a situation afoot that is going to test you in some way. It's like this has all been building for a while and now is the time it's all going to come to light...for good and for "bad". You can no longer sit on the sidelines. It is going to be time to take your power and take action. There is someone who will be there to help you BUT make sure you choose help that will not come with strings attached. I feel there is a person that is kind of pulling the strings in your life...and you literally need to snip snip snip those strings and move forward.

Then the final card, it's the old saying 'What goes around comes around". I feel like there is a VERY significant time in your life fast approaching where your world is going to be sifted out. I'm literally seeing an old flour sifter. Think of it as your life pouring into a sifter and it getting scattered about below it. It sounds a little scary but truly this is the best thing that will ever happen to you. Those that have done good things will receive good things, those that have done bad things will get bad things. There is no avoiding this. Life is going to be very different after the sifting. People that were in your life may no longer be there....new people will come. It's an exciting, exhilarating time of change. Hang on for a wild ride.

Your only protection comes in the 1111 message of keeping your thoughts positive and focused on the good as your thoughts are at a high manifestation point currently.

Good luck! :) Stay positive and watch your world change.

Thanks for sitting!