5 of swords is really stalking me!

Pique Dame

It sounds like both of you have your doubts, but it has nothing to do with the relationship itself. The doubts stem from past relationships. He may doubt that he could give you what you need. You may doubt that he could open his heart enough to truly love. His doubt triggers your doubts. The purpose of the relationship might be so you both face your fears.
Or he may doubt he can devote the time or energy needed to be in a relationship. That's something I've heard a lot in the past. Interesting perspective on the purpose of the relationship (or whatever you want to call it). I'd really like to ask him about his past relationship(s), just to get a little perspective on his mindset.

Pique Dame

There was a link to a spread that I can't find now....wish I had that link....but this isn't my idea....

But when a card keeps coming up take out the card and lay it in front of you

Then ask these questions:

The Message is about what? (draw a card)

This is what will happen (draw a card)

This is how I feel (draw a card)

Let go of this (draw a card)

Embrace this (draw a card)

Take this action (draw a card)

Laurelle, I got the dreaded 5 of Swords AGAIN in a reading last night so I finally broke down and did your more in-depth clarifying spread. The message was surprising, yet pretty clear. I'll try to post it in a bit.