6 Wands


WandKing- I really got a lot from your post. Faith as opposite Fear was an eye opener. I too would have said courage/fearlessness, but you would not have those unless you had Faith. Where have you got all that numerology info from? I have done my Tarot learning by the seat of my pants, hehhe with a lot of faith! I am pleased I did not know about Waites proclivity for obscuring thigs when I started all those years ago. Thanks for your post~Rosanne


kinda like learning in the locker room...

or on bathroom walls... After a Tarot mentor taught me basics of numerology, I picked it up in bits and pieces online. Plenty of sources offered a good chance at gaining a consensus of meanings, much like I was seeking for the cards. The hard part was weaving it into an educational story for each Tarot suit that has specific memory triggers and offers morals like Aesop. There's also plenty of lessons in my cards from the ole' school of hard knocks. This all began when i decided to make some notes to help me learn Tarot. Back then, I quickly learned how hard memorizing dry one-line tarot meanings could be and tried to devise a format for meanings that might save other students from my boring plight. What you've been reading is the result of my frustration with many of the books on Tarot out there.



The Six of wands has organised the scatty energy of the Five of Wands-they now are organised and follow their "leader" instead of 'mimic warfare'-he rides the same horse as the Death Card out of the Book Of Revalations-they say a fallen Knight returns as a Great Steed.... in the Seven of Wands each of the five of Wands become a fierce and just warrior in thier own right after accepting direction..meeting adversity with great force-the Six being directly rerlated to it's Major-making your own decision on what profane or sacred -becoming your own person-Pamela really is a Star!!!



Just read all of this, and I have never thought about the sequential way of thinking of the cards like that. But I can see quite easily what is being said, just my take on it if you don't mind:

OK, so Five of Wands indicates struggle and conflict, perhaps with others or within yourself.

Six of Wands, you have won the struggle and the conflict.

Seven of Wands, now that you have won the struggle and conflict you have to defend this, so that it won't be taken from you, the victory that is, or whatever the struggle and conflict was about in the first place.

I could be wrong, but that is my simplified view on it. (Simplified, oomph, understatement or what! LOL)




Spot on Bec!..Simplified beautifully ..Wands are all about energy with so much emotions.. the living verb cards...WT


building together

Rosanne wrote: To get to my opinion of the 6 Wands, I will go back to 5 Wands. They look like they are building something- a Teepee maybe but like all collabrative efforts there is some conflict.
I once heard that they are trying to build a Pentacle.............it kinda looks that way........anyway, it's an intriguing idea. BB, Michael


I see the Five of Wands as representing inner struggle; different parts of one's personality try to find a "common goal" or a way to organize themselves...you're not sure what to do, where to go, how to be, etc.

Six of Wands tells me that it is possible to find unity within the self, and that commitment to action has taken place or should at least...perhaps we have given up resistance and begun to follow down the path that was waiting us there all the time ;-)


I like everything that has been said so far and just want to add something to the mix -
My favorite keyword for the sixes is reciprocity. In the Six of Wands this suggests that for there to be a leader there must be followers and vice versa. In a hexagram diagram featuring interlocking triangles of fire and water then it's clear how the responsive public is as essential as the ascending force. Whether this force is an idea or aspect of the self that has emerged triumphant (out of the five) or the winning of a business contract against competitors (etc.), for the Six to be truly in balance then there is a responsibility to the whole.

I don't see the sixes as a rest point. Instead, as Crowley noted this is a high point (the top of a mountain, the crest of a wave, a moment of scintillating clarity) involving a feeling of ecstasy but very hard to maintain.



Teheuti said:
I don't see the sixes as a rest point. Instead, as Crowley noted this is a high point (the top of a mountain, the crest of a wave, a moment of scintillating clarity) involving a feeling of ecstasy but very hard to maintain
This is SO TRUE! What a WONDERFUL observation!
Poor of the ones that value themselves depending of the relative fame that have achieved.
It's a proven constant that all who have made it has fallen in big depressions when they are no longer the center of attention. For sure the Hollywood artists know it.
In Psychology is supposed logical because is practically impossible to maintain the level of satisfaction indefinitely after, for example, a great prize was received, and that is given in the natural cycles too, for example in the orgasm.

Thank you Mary for this contribution. I had not noticed this characteristic before.

Might be this one of the biggest differences that this arcanum has with THE WORLD?
There the relationship of admiration is more durable?
There we can maintain the feeling of ecstasy?