8 of Cups Reversed as Advice

Pique Dame

This card came up for me as my best course of action in a relationship spread. Upright, the meaning would've been pretty clear: walk away and don't look back. How do you see it in reverse? Stay put? Give it some distance but don't go too far? Don't walk but RUN away?


To me reversed 8 of cups is escapism mentally.. not dealing with problems or walking to other better things.but staying amongst issues but using obsessive distractions to not focus on the issue ..

As advice I would read it as not using escapism or other distractions as away of dealing with problems.. I don't know the context but without knowing what the reading is about, this the first thing that came into my mind...

I also see this card coming up when someone is using substance abuse as a way of masking problems, like drinking or smoking etc..


Reversed cards don't always mean "the opposite" of what they are normally, they can also express a more moderate approach. In this case it would mean taking some time for yourself and distancing yourself from the relationship to do some soul searching, only coming back when you have a clearer idea of what you're looking for. Only you as the querent knows best, of course.

Pique Dame

Sirena84 - That's a good way to look at it. I suppose it doesn't have to be escapism through artificial means but just generally ducking away from dealing with any issues rather than dealing with them head on.

Chobit - This is a great interpretation. It also reinforces another card in the reading. The Star came up as what actions the other person has been taking to prepare for the next step in the relationship, and I took it to mean taking some time to reflect, do some R&R, perhaps test the waters a bit. Akin to a day at the spa.


The Eight of Cups, rx, might suggest that you shouldn't give up too soon on this relationship.


I'm with starry. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water as the old saying goes. Don't be quick to decide the relationship can't work out. Stay put and see what happens. And since you mention the Star, that just reinforces and adds to the message. "There's hope and a good foundation. Don't move on just yet."

Pique Dame

Thank you, Starry and Grizabella. I like the "don't give up" interpretation. Kinda goes along with "stay put."


I see it as either refusing to take the advice of the upright - walk away, or alternatively considering leaving a perfectly good relationship for some neurotic reason of our own.

Pique Dame

headincloud - So, basically the opposite as the upright?


I see it as having 2 polarities, at one end it can reinforce the meaning of the upright by saying hey you really do need to get out of this relationship/situation right now and stop procrastinating whereas the message of it's other polarity is where the hell are you thinking of going so fast and in this case we may need to reconsider before we throw away something that has potential.

Depending on the other cards in the spread the star as a card of hope and healing possibly pulls the latter meaning through especially if sexual tension or low self esteem was overshadowing things.