9 of swords + Wheel of Fortune


In regards to a possible promotion. I do not remember the first card in this three card spread, but the 9oS landed in present position and WoF landed in future position. I've taken the 9oS to mean that things are looking grim (this is and isn't true.. I have been unhappy at work, but just learned of some new opportunities elsewhere) and the WoF as things turning out for the best if I decide to transfer. I've interpreted the WoF positively because honestly I couldn't feel worse at my job right now, but I'm hopeful about opportunities I've learned about other places. I've also received a minor pay bump and good reviews from my employer, I just feel like they're wanting to see me branch out elsewhere. What do you think the combo means?


This looks like an opportunity to try out the new idea I've been tinkering with regarding the meaning of the Nines. The ninth card of any suit represents the "perfection" of the suit and its associated element. If the Ace represents the "seed" of the element, the Nine therefore indicates the "harvest" and the anticlimactic Ten the "husbanding of seed" for the next planting.

If the Ace of Swords suggests the "seed-state" of an idea, the 9 of Swords makes me think of this proverb: "They that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind." Followed by the more fortunate Wheel of Fortune with its correspondence to Jupiter, the "Greater Benefic," it looks like the rather bellicose energies of the 9 of Swords could be entrained in a positive way toward a higher purpose. The errant restlessness of the 9 of Swords joined to the more directed "restlessness" of the Wheel of Fortune could produce a high-energy state of self-motivation, if it doesn't result in debilitating anxiety first.


9 corresponds to the Hermit card and I feel a kind of mental and emotional isolation in the 9 of Swords. The figure faces his/her fears and in some way maybe feels trapped with his/her projections.

Well, the Wheel of Fortune is quite different and open. Because this card follows the 9 of Swords I would say as well that the last card shows a change for something better.


I see the 9S reflecting your current feelings towards your job and the wheel a change of circumstances for the better.


The 9 of Swords to me suggests regret is on the way if you don't take the chance represented by the Wheel of Fortune.


Since you've said you couldn't feel worse about your job right now, then I just think the 9 of Swords represents that. The Wheel of Fortune may indicate that you're nervous about whether promotion would make things better or whether the turning of the Wheel would bring worse feelings. Maybe drawing another card or two on the Wheel's meaning (don't post in this thread, though---it would be for Your Readings maybe) would give you more information on what the results of the turning of the Wheel would bring you. Then you'd be able to determine whether it would be positive or negative.


This looks like an opportunity to try out the new idea I've been tinkering with regarding the meaning of the Nines. The ninth card of any suit represents the "perfection" of the suit and its associated element. If the Ace represents the "seed" of the element, the Nine therefore indicates the "harvest" and the anticlimactic Ten the "husbanding of seed" for the next planting.

If the Ace of Swords suggests the "seed-state" of an idea, the 9 of Swords makes me think of this proverb: "They that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind." Followed by the more fortunate Wheel of Fortune with its correspondence to Jupiter, the "Greater Benefic," it looks like the rather bellicose energies of the 9 of Swords could be entrained in a positive way toward a higher purpose. The errant restlessness of the 9 of Swords joined to the more directed "restlessness" of the Wheel of Fortune could produce a high-energy state of self-motivation, if it doesn't result in debilitating anxiety first.

In reading more about the 9 of Swords as a stand alone card, it really resonated with how I'm feeling about the current work situation. "Debilitating anxiety" couldn't be more accurate, but like you said, I'm trying to propel myself forward to something better. The good work review and pay bump have restored confidence in my abilities, but there is definitely a restlessness that I am struggling with. Thank you for your detailed response, it strongly resonates.


9 corresponds to the Hermit card and I feel a kind of mental and emotional isolation in the 9 of Swords. The figure faces his/her fears and in some way maybe feels trapped with his/her projections.

Well, the Wheel of Fortune is quite different and open. Because this card follows the 9 of Swords I would say as well that the last card shows a change for something better.

When I saw the 9 of Swords, I panicked at seeing so dire a situation, but the description of the card and your interpretation, too, have highlighted the mental aspect of inner turmoil. It has made me wonder how many of my fears in my present situation are justified and how many are projections of an anxious state of mind. Thank you.


I see the 9S reflecting your current feelings towards your job and the wheel a change of circumstances for the better.

Thank you, this is indeed what I'm hoping for and how I initially interpreted the pairing.


The 9 of Swords to me suggests regret is on the way if you don't take the chance represented by the Wheel of Fortune.

I think that hits for me too. My options right now are to stay where I am, with little or no job growth, for the sake of familiarity. OR I can branch out and go one of two other places that might challenge me in ways that will help me to grow and to thrive. I think I would regret not seizing the opportunity to grow in this way. You're very right. Thank you.