A Survey of Oracle Deck Users


peace_pixie said:
Is there an oracle you wish existed?

YES!!!! a painted/drawn oracle on the myths and stories of the pleadies from indigenous cultures all over the world

What is a pleadie?



How big?

I like about 40 - 60 cards. I don't think there can be too few or too many. What the cards need to say, they will.

Card Meanings

I like card meanings that are straight forward and simple. I hate complex ones where you need a degree to understand and interpret them.

I like my cards to be honest. I own two Doreen Virtue decks, and I don't believe either are totally positive. I did a reading the other night for my friend with my Archangles Oracle and they told him he wouldn't get the job he was going for...

In relation to themes, I need to be able to relate to, and feel the theme otherwise I just dont get the connection.

I definitely feel that some oracle decks are suited for somethings more thant others. I don't practice Tarot, so I dont know the diff.


I am always drawn to a deck because of its artwork. I like a lot of themes, but the imagery makes it hard for me to use it. I like bright drawings - not a fan of abstract work or photos. I buy a deck nearly solely because of the artwork but thats because I am a visual person.


I would love to see one based on Fairytales or the fantasy world! I love that stuff! I would also like to see more masculine decks. Sometimes it is hard for me to be drawn to a deck plainly designed for women.

I think there are too few decks on the market to choose from - and some limited themes.

Please describe your ideal oracle

Fantasy Creatures!



I would love to see one based on Fairytales or the fantasy world! I love that stuff! I would also like to see more masculine decks. Sometimes it is hard for me to be drawn to a deck plainly designed for women.

I think there are too few decks on the market to choose from - and some limited themes. </quote>

As you can see, I'm still figuring out the quote thing--have you seen the "Inner Child Cards?" They are technically a tarot deck, but its all fairy tale imagery. The cards are big and the artwork is lovely. Inner Traditions puts it out. Nat :)

6 Haunted Days

And of course there is always the gorgeous Fairytale Tarot.