"Aboriginal Goddess Chakra Oracle Card Readings".



Last night I had a few friends over and we ended up, as part of the evening, trying out these two new decks I bought last week. Sometimes face to face adds something to a reading compared to online I reckon. More immediate and nothing quite compares to someone's facial expressions in the here and now at times.:D

I met the woman that made these decks (Mel Brown) - 3 in all. I tried ALL of them out and found that these two answered questions as well as put a message to you that ONLY you would get and not anyone else UNLESS that "anyone else" knew the situation in and out.

I find most of the Oracle decks I have are "workable" for me, but only a handful hold any real appeal.

So, I am going to put up some of the readings from last night bit by bit to give you an idea of how these decks work with certain questions and/or sitters.

Never know you might want to invest in one or two yourself!


DND :)


"Vee's Reading". (One card).

What do I need to know for myself between now and the next month?

PURPLE: "Purple Chakra Faery".

You need to trust in your inner self more. You know the truth about a "situation" and what you are thinking is "real". As you are a practical person making a decision or choice is not hard as one might like to think. And until a decision is made, nothing will change, and you deny yourself something like self respect.


Vee thinks this is about her job environment.

Some work colleagues tend to back stab one another and she wonders if it is really warranted. There does seem to be some conflict there. Being in the middle is no picnic and she cannot help but wonder just who else they do it to from the Manager down to the floor.

She does not want to make waves really, but does not want to be a part of all the drama and so forth either.

I feel she does have a decision to make as being in the middle is sometimes not the best place to be standing.

DND :)


Vasi's Reading: (Four cards as the cards were stuck to each other).

What guidance can be given about writing?

PURPLE: "Magical Dreaming" & Sacred Learning"
WHITE: "Spiritual Awakening & Connection".

1) Time to adapt to changes or to change directions.
2) An important decision has to be made, but remember it may impact on others.
3) From this time forward you will take your inner knowledge more seriously.
4) In the near future (even over the next few days) things will become more clearer and you will have some profound moments and/or a deeper awareness of yourself and the journey you are on.
5) You need to connect to your "feminine" side more, to be more vulnerable, and to not judge yourself or others.


So, in regards to Vasi and her writing, she needs to either adapt to what is going on or take on a new direction all together. An important decision is coming up for her which will have an influence or impact on others.

For example, if she chooses to put more time and effort in to her project, this would compromise the time she has with family/partner and/or friends etc.

Vasi needs to be more aware of what she does know (inner knowledge) and how it works in with her life, decision making, creativeness etc already.

As I see it, she is going to have a EUREKA moment and will become more clearer with her objective as well as herself, only perhaps it is the start not the end all be all kind of thing.

Finally, she has to stop being so hard on herself and to not be so judging and to be more in tune with the "feminine" aspects to herself like being more gentle and vulnerable perhaps. There must be something she needs to "learn" in "letting her hair down".

DND :)


Almost forgot....Vasi is at a crossroads with her writing.


Vasi is not sure if she should continue the old or start afresh so as to speak, but the answer does seem to point to a "new direction" or "adapting to change" which speaks volumes to her.

As for the "feminine" suggestion - she is not sure how to take that as she has always been rather independent and a little toughie in this big old world of ours, so to be "vulnerable" does not sit right with her one bit.

More feedback will come later as she does want to see if she will have a EUREKA moment or an actual MELTDOWN :D:D:D.

DND :)

Vasi's Reading: (Four cards as the cards were stuck to each other).

What guidance can be given about writing?

PURPLE: "Magical Dreaming" & Sacred Learning"
WHITE: "Spiritual Awakening & Connection".

1) Time to adapt to changes or to change directions.
2) An important decision has to be made, but remember it may impact on others.
3) From this time forward you will take your inner knowledge more seriously.
4) In the near future (even over the next few days) things will become more clearer and you will have some profound moments and/or a deeper awareness of yourself and the journey you are on.
5) You need to connect to your "feminine" side more, to be more vulnerable, and to not judge yourself or others.


So, in regards to Vasi and her writing, she needs to either adapt to what is going on or take on a new direction all together. An important decision is coming up for her which will have an influence or impact on others.

For example, if she chooses to put more time and effort in to her project, this would compromise the time she has with family/partner and/or friends etc.

Vasi needs to be more aware of what she does know (inner knowledge) and how it works in with her life, decision making, creativeness etc already.

As I see it, she is going to have a EUREKA moment and will become more clearer with her objective as well as herself, only perhaps it is the start not the end all be all kind of thing.

Finally, she has to stop being so hard on herself and to not be so judging and to be more in tune with the "feminine" aspects to herself like being more gentle and vulnerable perhaps. There must be something she needs to "learn" in "letting her hair down".

DND :)


Just spotted a few "Past, Present, and Future" spread possibilities with this deck and the encouragement to use "intuition".

So, am going to give it a GO myself! Only...my own " P P P " spread of maybe up to 6 months.


What should I be working more on in any of the different areas of my life, and can any direction be given specifically, as to what area(s)? :D :D :D

GOOD LUCK cards!!!

PAST: Spiritual Awakening/Lady of the Lake/Universal Understanding
PRESENT: Green Chakra Goddess/Eros
FUTURE: White Chakra Goddess/Horus/Merlin/Freya/Rhiannon


Not sure if intuition quite comes in to it with cards like Freya and Merlin. :D
As for Lady of the Lake? Is that not something that belongs to the UK. :bugeyed:


PAST: 1) A deeper understanding of myself on a soul level, but still a way to go.
PAST: 2) To value my beliefs and use a bit of quiet reflection in making some life changing decisions.
PAST: 3) Life is hectic. Just when you get on top of something - something else arises. Clear boundaries use to the call of the day - now it may not be so.

Very very ON TO IT! SPOT ON!:D

Started my Spiritual journey some years ago and did in turn learn a lot about myself and others, and in recent months and weeks have been "thinking" and "deciding" a few things, which could possibly be "life changing" perhaps. Life has indeed been full on and hectic in the last 2 to 3 years or more. Absolutely exhausting to say the least. When one thing seemed under control another thing kind of cropped up, but now it has eased up to absolute calm these days. Since my move.

Maybe I do not need to work on "decisions" anymore, but perhaps pick up on that "Spiritual journey" or maybe it is about a "continuation" of them all only not the "hectic" side with one thing after the other to deal with etc. BALANCE.

PRESENT: 1) Hug a tree and/or get out and connect to nature in some way. All about recharging and energizing.
PRESENT: 2) A lot of work is put into family and friends and at times the feeling is this is not reciprocated.


Recently, I took a whirlwind break with my family and last weekend I went away and did spend some time in a country area for Halloween. It was kind of a retreat in part as in very quiet and relaxing surrounded by hills, mountains, and trees. I do put a lot of time and work in with my close friends and family and it can be a "thankless" job at times - not that that is expected at all. Perhaps other things too when I think about it. Today I was thinking a BEACH DAY is due very soon so I do feel a need to "recharge" so as to speak or just hang out in an environment that is ME.

FUTURE: 1) The ability to see things in a different light and shed alternative perspectives on situations. Opinions are highly regarded. Must be careful to stay humble and real.
FUTURE: 2) A Warrior and one that is protective of family and/or friends. However, there is a need to step back from someone or a situation as a "LESSON" needs to be LEARNT and not by ME. No support or anything whatsoever!.
FUTURE: 3) The Mediator: Put in the position in which a situation will have to be resolved, but it will be a WIN/WIN outcome.
FUTURE: 4) Different depth of feeling (love) either for a person or something that has been nurtured for years.
FUTURE: 5) A situation may arise in which the full details are known by only a few (including the sitter), but others will not know it all and jump to conclusions and will judge rather harshly. All that can be done is to keep the truth to oneself and stand by what is believed to be true and honorable. There will be triumph in the end, but not before walking a rocky road.

So, different things coming up both good and bad.

Looks like there are three probable situations: A) Mediation B) Being judged and in a bad light for something not really of my own doing, and C) Stepping back from someone or a situation as that "person(s)" needs to learn a lesson of some kind.

In addition, there is either a new relationship, new level of feeling within an existing relationship like with family or friends, or a new depth of feeling for something that has been nurtured long term.

Finally, being able to see things in a different way and shed an alternative perspective on situations may be something that could give me an edge over others but because of that I will need to watch it. Humble and being real is the way to go.

So, possible "areas" could be: Family/ Friends/ Situations/ Spiritual/ Psychological/ Work/ Social Media etc. Anything really. :D

DND :)

NOTE: I really really like this DECK and think it is totally on the mark for answering any kind of questions although I have not asked every type yet. I have confidence that it would address almost anything.



Not sure if this is connected to "Rhiannon" or not, but am going to write about it briefly anyhow.

All morning I have been listening to "world wide" live talk in which you can enter rooms and interact with people via webcams and mics (optional) or just texting. "Live Chat".

Anyways, I went into a few rooms in which some had a majority from the USA and one was predominantly the UK. Some people did hail from other countries though.

A number of topics arose including the "elections" as that is coming up like tomorrow.

One person from the UK thinks it is "fixed" and that Clinton will win whereas the other rooms either had "mixed/split" or "direct" feelings about both candidates. One room was more in favor of Trump and very anti Clinton and saw him as "winning".

The UK room was the most relaxed, the "mixed feeling room" had no objection with anyone discussing the topic although it did get "heated" in there at times, and the "direct feeling room" had something to say if anyone but American had anything to say or ask. :D:D:D

Not my fault I am not from the USA, but I did indeed have some questions when they were talking about both candidates being "murderers". And I had a few things I wanted to ask in general and to say in response etc.

The response and whiplash. :bugeyed: :bugeyed: :bugeyed:

Just like American football!!!! :D:D:D

What I told the most black/white one in the room is that I might not be a voter, but am entitled to an opinion like anyone else, also, that it was not in anyone's control as to the outcome of the elections. It was like her VOTE would make all the difference for Trump to win. The one person in the room supporting Clinton was probably the worst off though. Like a modern day persecution! :rolleyes:


Eventually, it calmed down, some were even flying their little American flags and showing their true patriotism which was truly fantastic to see.


Not like I am keeping anyone's confidence or secrets right now in this situation to have that turned against me. I do, however, seem to see things from different angles. Just not born to the grand old US of A is the issue. Starting to feel that "patriotism" really can be quite similar to "racism" when it is narrow and one way rather than all about being "proud" to belong somewhere.

Interesting experience being told I cannot say what I think just for not being born to a particular country. Actually, I had some questions really to do with the accusations of "murder", "corruption", "lies" etc and when I put across (more or less) could it be "social media" playing havoc with the truth and causing this division or bias with both candidates. Well! :bugeyed: One person said they did not use "Social Media" at all. :rolleyes: I told him the CHAT ROOM was a form of "Social Media" as well as TVs and newspapers etc.

I also asked could "proof" be provided of "evidence" being destroyed by Clinton or the destruction of items like phones. Any allegation really.

No one could provide an answer.

Have to deal with "facts" not "heresay" and with SOCIAL MEDIA sometimes they need to be taken with a grain of salt. They really do.

Right now it is a very crucial time, so I do understand that emotions are high and everyone is on tender hooks.

DND :)

Just spotted a few "Past, Present, and Future" spread possibilities with this deck and the encouragement to use "intuition".

So, am going to give it a GO myself! Only...my own " P P P " spread of maybe up to 6 months.


What should I be working more on in any of the different areas of my life, and can any direction be given specifically, as to what area(s)? :D :D :D

GOOD LUCK cards!!!

PAST: Spiritual Awakening/Lady of the Lake/Universal Understanding
PRESENT: Green Chakra Goddess/Eros
FUTURE: White Chakra Goddess/Horus/Merlin/Freya/Rhiannon


Not sure if intuition quite comes in to it with cards like Freya and Merlin. :D
As for Lady of the Lake? Is that not something that belongs to the UK. :bugeyed:


PAST: 1) A deeper understanding of myself on a soul level, but still a way to go.
PAST: 2) To value my beliefs and use a bit of quiet reflection in making some life changing decisions.
PAST: 3) Life is hectic. Just when you get on top of something - something else arises. Clear boundaries use to the call of the day - now it may not be so.

Very very ON TO IT! SPOT ON!:D

Started my Spiritual journey some years ago and did in turn learn a lot about myself and others, and in recent months and weeks have been "thinking" and "deciding" a few things, which could possibly be "life changing" perhaps. Life has indeed been full on and hectic in the last 2 to 3 years or more. Absolutely exhausting to say the least. When one thing seemed under control another thing kind of cropped up, but now it has eased up to absolute calm these days. Since my move.

Maybe I do not need to work on "decisions" anymore, but perhaps pick up on that "Spiritual journey" or maybe it is about a "continuation" of them all only not the "hectic" side with one thing after the other to deal with etc. BALANCE.

PRESENT: 1) Hug a tree and/or get out and connect to nature in some way. All about recharging and energizing.
PRESENT: 2) A lot of work is put into family and friends and at times the feeling is this is not reciprocated.


Recently, I took a whirlwind break with my family and last weekend I went away and did spend some time in a country area for Halloween. It was kind of a retreat in part as in very quiet and relaxing surrounded by hills, mountains, and trees. I do put a lot of time and work in with my close friends and family and it can be a "thankless" job at times - not that that is expected at all. Perhaps other things too when I think about it. Today I was thinking a BEACH DAY is due very soon so I do feel a need to "recharge" so as to speak or just hang out in an environment that is ME.

FUTURE: 1) The ability to see things in a different light and shed alternative perspectives on situations. Opinions are highly regarded. Must be careful to stay humble and real.
FUTURE: 2) A Warrior and one that is protective of family and/or friends. However, there is a need to step back from someone or a situation as a "LESSON" needs to be LEARNT and not by ME. No support or anything whatsoever!.
FUTURE: 3) The Mediator: Put in the position in which a situation will have to be resolved, but it will be a WIN/WIN outcome.
FUTURE: 4) Different depth of feeling (love) either for a person or something that has been nurtured for years.
FUTURE: 5) A situation may arise in which the full details are known by only a few (including the sitter), but others will not know it all and jump to conclusions and will judge rather harshly. All that can be done is to keep the truth to oneself and stand by what is believed to be true and honorable. There will be triumph in the end, but not before walking a rocky road.

So, different things coming up both good and bad.

Looks like there are three probable situations: A) Mediation B) Being judged and in a bad light for something not really of my own doing, and C) Stepping back from someone or a situation as that "person(s)" needs to learn a lesson of some kind.

In addition, there is either a new relationship, new level of feeling within an existing relationship like with family or friends, or a new depth of feeling for something that has been nurtured long term.

Finally, being able to see things in a different way and shed an alternative perspective on situations may be something that could give me an edge over others but because of that I will need to watch it. Humble and being real is the way to go.

So, possible "areas" could be: Family/ Friends/ Situations/ Spiritual/ Psychological/ Work/ Social Media etc. Anything really. :D

DND :)

NOTE: I really really like this DECK and think it is totally on the mark for answering any kind of questions although I have not asked every type yet. I have confidence that it would address almost anything.