Ace Of Wands Anyone?


Tara Deck said:
it could be that an opportunity for change is going to be presented to you that is going to take your life in a different direccion. Perhaps something new like a job will be offered and will be up to you to decide whether to take it or not.

I think you're right! ;)



O_O said:
I think that's it!!!

I've just been recruited to participate in a Leadership program at work. The guy ( my supervisor) who recommended me, seems to think that I have what it takes to succesfully complete this program and step into a leadership position.

So, this *MUST* be what the card is referring to.


Moral of the story: don't ever dismiss a card as not making sense....

BTW: the Book for the WorldTree tarot discribes Ace of Wands as "The Potential for Major Personal Growth" Go for it!


Ace said:
Moral of the story: don't ever dismiss a card as not making sense....

BTW: the Book for the WorldTree tarot discribes Ace of Wands as "The Potential for Major Personal Growth" Go for it!

Thanks, I will ;)



I'm not sure where this would fit in, but that card screams "phallic". Use or discard this information as you see fit. ;)


Any long narrow stick,sticking out of the ground straight up IS phallic. Look at the Robin Wodd Ace of Wands some time: I figured out the joke when I read for a woman whose boyfriend had left her. In the end (since she was being so dense about wanting him back--I suspect so she could dump HIM) I was waving that card (it had come up reversed) yelling: "he doesn't want you! can't you see that!"

It doesn't matter if the visual is phallic. If a sexual meaning is needed, it will be apparent. But in this case, it wasn't important. (IMHO)