Akashic Records


I've also been to the Akashic Records, many times. I've gotten there via meditation as well as while I was sleeping--but yet I know I wasn't dreaming it.

I've always gone there with my guide, Joe. I can recall the first visit there and I was so amazed by it, I was wide eyed and my mouth open wide in amazement. :laugh:

I recall another time being there w/o my guide--and taking a class. I'll never forget it--I know it happened. Very interesting experiences being there in the record room. However, I cannot recall anything that I read there--nor the class that I was taking. I do recall a few things in the class there, but nothing much that is very helpful today.

My guide, Joe, explains to me that when I need to remember it, it will come back to me. So far, none of it has...I don't know if it has anyway. I'm not sure how long I will have to wait! :laugh:

I have also had a shaman once go there and retrieve information about me. It was really uncanny the things she told me of my past, but I don't really recall at this posting if she picked up on anything for the future. It was years ago this was done for me.

I am also interested in how you progress in this class, Ginmore. Very interesting, so I hope you will update us as you go. :) thank you!

Very interesting! This is very valuable information. Thank you! :)

This person has done readings for me as part of my clairvoyance development class. She was able to tell me about my past life involving a guy I'm involved with and can't seem to get over. It turns out he was my little brother in a past life and I was in charge of him and my other siblings after our parents passed away. It also revealed very interesting feelings I've had about my parents (mistrust). I never knew why until this reading. It also confirmed some dreams I'd previously had involving this person.

I have received other great information such as past life information and present life information. When she offered the class I decided to sign up. In the last few weeks, my clairvoyance is picking up. I'm hoping I am able to successfully complete the course :)

I will keep everyone posted! :)


It's so interesting reading everyone's experience. Ginmore, I hope you do come back here now and again to tell us about your travels.

I spent much of last night touring the internet and trying to find information. One question I have, and forgive me for posting it in your thread, how do you know you are visiting the records? Is it always a library you go to? There was a time when I had the same kind of dream repeatedly. I would be in a bookshop and there was a book I was after, a slim volume, and even though I never actually opened and read it,mor even found it among all those books, I knew it was the 'perfect' book and that if I ever were to find and read it, I would find complete fulfilment. Perhaps it was just a dream, I don't know.


Hi Ginmore.
Sounds like you're about to embark on a great adventure :)
I have written about my experience below - but to answer your question, I think that your experience will have you going back for more. I dont think there is anything threatening about your wanting to access your records - they are after all, your records. There is nothing there you do not know about, even if you cannot physically recall them. I hope you have a great introduction to the records through your Course.

I have looked often and inquired and asked questions about other people, creatures, universes, lifetimes, futures - anything I can think of. I know I have always had answers. I have never accessed anything I can't handle in this lifetime. I respectfully consider the Library and all in it - but I usually go there for a specific purpose. I never see hoards of people there, usually one or two - except for the constant face at the 'reception desk'.

I think every persons experience is different - but its the same place where all minds ever lived, meet. How amazing!

Good luck with your studies. Please let us know how it goes. I will be interested to hear.

I have been working with Metatron (Arch Angel, writer and keeper of the Akashic Records) a little more seriously for the past 4 years - and it started with a meditation and a want for some information regarding looking for a Missing Person - (if I remember rightly). I ended up at the Akashic records, but over time it has progressed into something quite wonderful. I cant explain the feeling - it is the most rewardingl and amazing time going to access the records now.

The meditation starts with an ascension up a staircase, and then as I walk a short way and cross over a stream, Metatron is always there on the other side to meet me. I cannot describe the greeting - the smile - the welcome. It is the only meditation where I have this interaction with any Guides. We speak for a long time as we walk towards the great hall of records. Laughing and talking - anyone would think we were bff :laugh: its just weird - he is so nice, and we talk about writing and what it is like to be a scribe. I feel like he's a close friend. (OK, is this sounding weird yet ;))... I talk about my life and ask him questions. He talks about his experiences. When this is happening he is showing me, in pictures, what he does. His writings - his scripting.

Once I reach the doors to the Library he leaves me. Surrounding the Hall are great fields of green tendered grass and beautiful spectacular gardens - Metatron walks in these gardens waiting until I have finished in the Library and then walks back to the stream with me when its time to leave.

In the Library (its always a Library for me) - I often look down the corridors at the rows of books, parchments and things, wondering where to go. Its like an Art Library. Sooooo big and tall walls. I have found that books close to the Main entrance are blank. If ever I open one, there is no text (not that I can see) - you have reminded me to ask about them - I have assumed that they are books for the souls yet to be born, or have a thought. Maybe I cant see the text although it is there - maybe it hasn't manifested yet. You've given me a good excuse to go visit again soon ;)

I have found, from the first visit, the place doesn't change for me - its as it is. If there is something new - a new room, or experience, its familiar, like I know my way around for what I'm looking for anyway ;). I wonder if this is my Akashic records Hall - maybe we all have our own?

Shorter story: I went to the Hall once (there maybe a post here at ATF about it from years back) and took the corkscrew stairs to a little room in a turret where a Rabi was studying. Lovely little tiny room - the Rabbi was pretty daunting though - I think I disturbed him.
Moving on, about a year ago I was back at the library and found the staircase again. I walked up them and opened the door to the little room in the turret - and that old Rabbi was still there - reading the same book - and was still as daunting as before. I smiled and said hello and closed the door real quick :laugh: I went off and looked for another book :D



interesting past life reading, Ginmore. This whole thing sounds really exciting! I'm sure you'll keep with it, too as your interest is there! :thumbsup:

It's so interesting reading everyone's experience. Ginmore, I hope you do come back here now and again to tell us about your travels.

I spent much of last night touring the internet and trying to find information. One question I have, and forgive me for posting it in your thread, how do you know you are visiting the records? Is it always a library you go to? There was a time when I had the same kind of dream repeatedly. I would be in a bookshop and there was a book I was after, a slim volume, and even though I never actually opened and read it,mor even found it among all those books, I knew it was the 'perfect' book and that if I ever were to find and read it, I would find complete fulfilment. Perhaps it was just a dream, I don't know.

Well, for me, it is like a HUGE library. I do not honestly recall even seeing someone before entering the library. I do recall walking up some stairs with my guide, Joe--and the clouds and the sky was all around this staircase into the heavens.

Then we were inside the library. Inside the library the walls seem to go on forever into the heavens, and there are windows everywhere and a bright light shining inside and out, but not so bright as to blind you.

I recall one visit sitting at a huge brown wooden table with my guide sitting beside me. Beyond the table were tall bookcases with tons of huge books in them. I had one of these 'books' on the table with me, and opened up to a page. I recall reading it--using my finger to guide me as I read line after line after line. I recall a few times looking up at my guide, Joe and asking questions, but for whatever reason, I just cannot remember what I read or the conversation between Joe and I.

When I took the class there, I KNOW I was in the same Akashic Records, however, I was in a classroom setting. It was huge also and with the tall walls and glass windows everywhere, and the bookcases filled with books. In this particular visit, I was with a group of other people, some quite young, some my age and some older. We were sitting at desks that were in a kind of "U" shape and there were perhaps a dozen of us or so. The 'teacher' was a heavy set woman, with lots of blonde thick hair that was all swept up onto the top of her head, but still was thick and all around the sides of her face too. She had a pick or something that kept it all up. She also wore glasses and a lot of makeup--I recall. :laugh: But, she also had a wonderful energy about her. In this class she was teaching us all something. I recall standing up to voice a question, which she answered--and others did the same too. I can also recall looking out beyond the doors to this window and seeing people walking to and fro from one room to another. There was a stairway leading to the lower level--and it was almost like looking over the 2nd floor to the one below in a mall. I recall there being so many rooms like this.

Elfin, what an incredible post! What an incredible experience too! :thumbsup: I believe you mentioned Metatron before in a previous post about the Akashic records. At least, the name is familiar to me.

It encourages me to want to up my meditations to connect again to the Akashic Records too and perhaps meet Metatron and REMEMBER meeting him! :D

I do agree with you, Elfin that it is an incredible experience. Words also just do not seem to give it justice--the feeling of it all. The magnificence of it all. Its really just an incredible experience!


I spent much of last night touring the internet and trying to find information. One question I have, and forgive me for posting it in your thread, how do you know you are visiting the records? Is it always a library you go to? There was a time when I had the same kind of dream repeatedly. I would be in a bookshop and there was a book I was after, a slim volume, and even though I never actually opened and read it,mor even found it among all those books, I knew it was the 'perfect' book and that if I ever were to find and read it, I would find complete fulfilment. Perhaps it was just a dream, I don't know.

What I find interesting is that in 10 posts there are 10 different answers about the same thing.

Not to trash anyone's beliefs or feelings - after all - I DO believe in Tarot - but this 'idea' that everything that ever happened to every person that ever lived is 'somewhere' that can be visited is something out of a Twilight Zone episode to me. I think the experience is something that totally exists only in the fertile mind of the practitioner - and this idea of 'going and viewing the card file' is really too much for me to accept. Your personal mileage may vary.

This is colored quite strongly by an advertisement that appeared many years ago (full page, I might add) in a 'woo-woo' magazine where someone with enough money to pay for such an add multiple times (probably paid for his 'credentials' too) offered -FOR A LARGE FEE - to tap into the Akashic Records and GUARANTEED that he would locate the exact death time for you or any individual you paid the fee for ... tacky? Unethical? Free Ginsu knife with each request?

I believe in Tarot, spirit guides, the everlasting power of energy - but going to the Akashic Records like you are going to Starbucks for a cup of coffee - my rational mind cannot accept that. Just like we cannot prove that Heaven or Hell exists or existed - opening up someone else's Akashic Record - No.

Just my two cents.


interesting past life reading, Ginmore. This whole thing sounds really exciting! I'm sure you'll keep with it, too as your interest is there! :thumbsup:

Well, for me, it is like a HUGE library. I do not honestly recall even seeing someone before entering the library. I do recall walking up some stairs with my guide, Joe--and the clouds and the sky was all around this staircase into the heavens.

Then we were inside the library. Inside the library the walls seem to go on forever into the heavens, and there are windows everywhere and a bright light shining inside and out, but not so bright as to blind you.

I recall one visit sitting at a huge brown wooden table with my guide sitting beside me. Beyond the table were tall bookcases with tons of huge books in them. I had one of these 'books' on the table with me, and opened up to a page. I recall reading it--using my finger to guide me as I read line after line after line. I recall a few times looking up at my guide, Joe and asking questions, but for whatever reason, I just cannot remember what I read or the conversation between Joe and I.

When I took the class there, I KNOW I was in the same Akashic Records, however, I was in a classroom setting. It was huge also and with the tall walls and glass windows everywhere, and the bookcases filled with books. In this particular visit, I was with a group of other people, some quite young, some my age and some older. We were sitting at desks that were in a kind of "U" shape and there were perhaps a dozen of us or so. The 'teacher' was a heavy set woman, with lots of blonde thick hair that was all swept up onto the top of her head, but still was thick and all around the sides of her face too. She had a pick or something that kept it all up. She also wore glasses and a lot of makeup--I recall. :laugh: But, she also had a wonderful energy about her. In this class she was teaching us all something. I recall standing up to voice a question, which she answered--and others did the same too. I can also recall looking out beyond the doors to this window and seeing people walking to and fro from one room to another. There was a stairway leading to the lower level--and it was almost like looking over the 2nd floor to the one below in a mall. I recall there being so many rooms like this.

Elfin, what an incredible post! What an incredible experience too! :thumbsup: I believe you mentioned Metatron before in a previous post about the Akashic records. At least, the name is familiar to me.

It encourages me to want to up my meditations to connect again to the Akashic Records too and perhaps meet Metatron and REMEMBER meeting him! :D

I do agree with you, Elfin that it is an incredible experience. Words also just do not seem to give it justice--the feeling of it all. The magnificence of it all. Its really just an incredible experience!

:D Celicnoodle - great post!
I think we in the same place? It really sounds like you were describing a place that we had both visited, but at different times.

Then we were inside the library. Inside the library the walls seem to go on forever into the heavens, and there are windows everywhere and a bright light shining inside and out, but not so bright as to blind you.

Mostly as I recall it, I have been there when it was sunny outside - and the light is just as you describe it in the main hall. One afternoon (funny as it sounds - as if I know what time of day it is there, LOL) I went to another part of the Library, a small room where they books were written in Arabic. That room was on the lower floor - the woodwork was an exceptionally beautiful colour - natural wood, but it had a resonance to it - quite amazing. The light in the afternoon made the wood glow richly, like a true basking, and the warmth was so comforting. I remember that 'light' vividly - it was beautiful.

I do recall walking up some stairs with my guide, Joe--and the clouds and the sky was all around this staircase into the heavens.
Great description!
These sound like the stairs I climb before walking across the stream to meet Metatron :bugeyed:

She also wore glasses and a lot of makeup--I recall.
:laugh: - your classes sound awesome. I' ll keep a look out for this person - Im bound to recognize her by your description ;)

I wonder if they have a cafe there - we should do coffee some time ;)

Girl Archer

My experience with Akashic Records

Sounds great ginmore, keep us posted about your awesome classes.


:D Celicnoodle - great post!
I think we in the same place? It really sounds like you were describing a place that we had both visited, but at different times.
:) thanks.

These sound like the stairs I climb before walking across the stream to meet Metatron :bugeyed:
ah, nice!

:laugh: - your classes sound awesome. I' ll keep a look out for this person - Im bound to recognize her by your description ;)

I wonder if they have a cafe there - we should do coffee some time ;)
:laugh: yes, she was someone you could never forget! :D And, yeah, we can do coffee sometime. I've been told by spirits who come to me that everything you need or want is there in heaven. So, we'll just want a little café with some coffee, teas and snacks! ;)

btw, I'm in NY, I think you're in Australia, correct?


What I find interesting is that in 10 posts there are 10 different answers about the same thing.

Not to trash anyone's beliefs or feelings - after all - I DO believe in Tarot - but this 'idea' that everything that ever happened to every person that ever lived is 'somewhere' that can be visited is something out of a Twilight Zone episode to me. I think the experience is something that totally exists only in the fertile mind of the practitioner - and this idea of 'going and viewing the card file' is really too much for me to accept. Your personal mileage may vary.

This is colored quite strongly by an advertisement that appeared many years ago (full page, I might add) in a 'woo-woo' magazine where someone with enough money to pay for such an add multiple times (probably paid for his 'credentials' too) offered -FOR A LARGE FEE - to tap into the Akashic Records and GUARANTEED that he would locate the exact death time for you or any individual you paid the fee for ... tacky? Unethical? Free Ginsu knife with each request?

I believe in Tarot, spirit guides, the everlasting power of energy - but going to the Akashic Records like you are going to Starbucks for a cup of coffee - my rational mind cannot accept that. Just like we cannot prove that Heaven or Hell exists or existed - opening up someone else's Akashic Record - No.

Just my two cents.

No worries tarotbear - I have much respect to you and your opinion.
For me these things exist. I may have been watching too many TEDtalks though, or reading Jane Roberts again :laugh:

I find the Akashic records as a concept; as easy to accept as the records kept by the history etched in the dirt under my feet and the space above my head - all the information through time is there and all the happenings being is captured therein. The Sciences relies on reading the earth and the cosmos to tell all those past stories in time and space - they work out how to decode each particles history so they can interpret its history, its record, it's story.

The method by the way I end up understanding, comprehending and interacting with the Akashic records concept is not dissimilar - I believe the information exists, that everything is captured and held somewhere within the records - and I guess I translate my attempts of access to it symbolically through the meditations and the focus. If its Metatron and big library full of available knowledge with an access card to all areas, then I'm good with that - It works for me ;)

Similarly, I believe that Tarot can access snapshots of past records and future events accurately - so the concept of a repository that contains every and all records and all probabilities exists and we are part of the making of it, so we are not removed from it.

These days though, Google seems to be doing their best to mimic the concept :laugh:


:) And, yeah, we can do coffee sometime. I've been told by spirits who come to me that everything you need or want is there in heaven. So, we'll just want a little café with some coffee, teas and snacks! ;)

btw, I'm in NY, I think you're in Australia, correct?

Yep - Land Down Under :)
Time difference should not be a problem ;)
Probabilities in consciousness say we may have already had the meeting :bugeyed: - I'll check when I get to the Library :laugh: