ancient italian tarot lo scarabeo different backs


I've come to think that perhaps since it is the same box, suppliers won't know which one they have. It's kind of a surprise then since they did not change the box until recently. I wonder which one comes in the green and yellow box. It may be the one with the card backs we are all looking for.

Enjoy your cards, glad you ended up with the ones you liked!


The green-and-orange back is just a darker tint of the green-and-white floral design with an orange border added. I quite like it, but if it's random, I'm not about to tear through boxes of AITs until I find one :)


I've now had 2 New Vision decks, 2 different backs, with nearly identical boxes but different sets of IBSNs. I wish I knew if these Lo Scarabeo decks are different based on the IBSN or if it really is random.


My guess is the box was updated independently of the backs, so, yes, sort of random. By extension, I don't think the ISBN will have any bearing on the back design. Then you have to consider the old stock is still going to turn up in shops and online listings, depending on how slowly they turn their merchandise.

I bought my copy in a head shop in Las Vegas manned by uninitiated teenage staff, so it was luck of the draw for me that I got the newer multi-colored backs. I don't like the green/white backs, but that is because I don't like that color scheme on anything.

I wonder what prompts LoS's whimsical back design changes? They did the same with their printings of the Visconti Tarots--which I finally resigned to accept the newer back design. Publishers should understand that back designs are just as much part of the deck as the faces . . . very consternating when you are not sure what you are getting when you purchase something.


I think that's my picture in the OP :)

The bottom of the box has the following:

ISBN-10: 0738700266
ISBS-13: 978-0738700267

The LWB has a 2010 copyright.

If it helps, I bought this deck from just this past June:


Hi guys,

I finally got my shipment in today from Book Depository.

The one they have in stock is the one with the new backs!

The booklet reads 2010.

I compared the boxes, and the more recent one has a darker shade of green than the ones with the green backs.


Hi everyone,

It seems the box has changed to a green background and whimsical gold flourishes. Does anybody know if the multicolor backs are still being published with this deck??