angel blessings NON-DV


I was able to scan some of my cards for this deck. anyone has it?


  • angelbless-001.jpg
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  • angelbless-002.jpg
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I have this deck and although I don't use Oracles often (or Angel cards), I think this is one of the best Angel decks around. As I remember, the hierarchy is different to the norm but Kimberly Marooney explains her reasons and system very well and has done a wonderful job in writing about each Angel. She has chosen beautiful artwork from various artists, modern and masters. The backs of the cards show clouds on a dusky background which is just lovely.

I hope you enjoy your deck.


ooh...don't have this one. (I do have a lot of other angel decks though)

This one is very very pretty...and looks like it would be easy to use too!


thanks fo rthe feedback Moonbow. i just did a reading with it-3 card spread- and it was very nice. i didn't follow the book spread suggestion though. i just wanted to get familiar with it. i am not an angel oracle person, although i like angel art. I just never connected with DVirtue's decks. they are way too stiff and void of energy/meaning to me, personally. please don't get offended DV fans :p
to me her decks are just angle after angel after angel, fairie after fairie after faire. but again, i got a reading at a Psychic fair with a mermaids dolphin deck and later on discovered it was a DV i think.

this deck is SO nice and aeclectic. that is the part i like the most so far. each angel is different in many ways, from the art style, to the rendition of the angel energy/message. very very nice. it is for guidance and meditation and so far the guidance reading i did was very good.
it is very exciting to do oracle readings that are non-tarot AND angel type! i am used to other oracles like the FFairies and the radiant sun oracle (which is so complex in the depth of meaning but great to work with).

I hope that is a good tip for you Chronata! i think this may be a deck you could use in your collection. :D

yara :cool5:


I'm not a fan of Doreen Virtue decks either, I guess its personal choice. I am a fan of art though and this deck will not disappoint someone who would just like to collect it for the art. Infact I have recommended it to people who I know appreciate art and art history.

The cards are large though... that should be pointed out, they are also of very good stock. The box is one of the sturdiest I have and the lid and base are joined, its such a gem. You really do feel as though you have something very special in this set, as though allot of love, care and attention to detail has gone into it.

I think I will get it out and have a play now! I have used it in the past for myself and it's particularly good if you want some personal insight or a thought for the day.

Little Hare

i don't have this deck. i love the pictures :D but loathe the borders...


I have it and it is my most used Oracle deck.
Only I never do readings with it...LOL
I have a habit of doing manifestations..if I need something or if someone has a healing request or I'm worried about someone or thing I write the request down on a piece of paper and then I chose one or more angels from this deck to surround the request...I also pick a few crystals too place around the request.
Over the years this angel deck and I have become very close friends and I don't feel they have ever let me down when I've needed some guidance either just by the presence of the cards or by reading about the angel I've chosen in the excellent book.


I got this deck on recommendation of Helvetica (Fudugazi??) and I also think that is the best Angel deck available. It feels very strong to me, much better than the DV decks.

The angels just seem to resonate with me more.


Marion said:
It feels very strong to me, much better than the DV decks.

The angels just seem to resonate with me more.

that is how it feels to me also and i just started reading with it. I am liking it very much and i am not an angel deck person as said before. :D
I don't mind the borders b/c the deck images are so softly printed that the borders are not in the way, at least for me.

i was thinking of using them for healing requests and certain type of readings. they are lovely!