Antiquarian Tarot. Just Completed!


It seems like a long time since I've posted here on AT but I've been busy! For the past year I've worked diligently on the Antiquarian Tarot and I'm excited to say it's finished! I've kept it a bit quiet as I wanted to focus on the process without distractions. Which is why I haven't been online very much. :)

The cards, like the Lenormand of the same name, are handmade collages and took an immense amount of my creative input. Each card was lovingly and attentively crafted to form a functional working deck combined with an aesthetic that appeals to me. In other words, not just an art deck but one I would actually use for myself and with my clients.

My main inspiration was drawn from the Albano-Waite as it's one of my favorite decks to read with. You will see the focus is based on Waite-Smith combined with Paul Foster Case's work; but, there is also inspiration from other sources, mostly based on the Golden Dawn which may be more apparent in the companion manual/extended LWB.

The Major Arcana all have a wallpaper background in the colors that were assigned by PFC. The Minor Arcana also reflect this color symbolism:

Wands have orange backgrounds (court cards - red),
Cups are Aqua (court cards - light blue),
Swords are yellow (court cards - golden yellow)
and Pentacles are green (court cards - violet).

I'm currently writing the companion manual which will have more details about the cards. I think this is going to take me a while to complete though. I'll try to post more details about them here and on my website once it's updated!

I received the sample decks from the printer today!! :) I'm going to spend some more time with them to see if there are any details I need to change but at this point I like what I see!

My plan is to offer it in 2, maybe 3 sizes. I'll let you know more details if you're interested.

In the meantime here's a sneak peek!


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Congratulations Ladybird! Your new deck looks fantastic! You did such a beautiful job creating these collage tarot scenes, easy to recognize yet artistic! Please keep us posted about the details. :)

Just out of curiosity, are they printed on the lovely waxy card stock you chose for the tarot size Antiquarian Lenormand? The texture of the samples reminds me of that particular card stock. :heart:


Looks great, Ladybird! I can't wait to order one.

I'm curious about the card pile at the front, with no card titles. Are they a different size/no-title option?


Congrats ladybird! Glad to see the deck you mentioned at BATS! Please do keep us in the loop.



Wow!!! Congratulations on finishing them!

When do you expect them to be up for sale?


oh! looks fantastic to me!^^ congrats well done!^^ ;))))


congratulations, it looks terrific!


Bookmarks to order :) But yes - what is that pile of cards ?


Oh, congratulations!!! It looks beautiful; please let us know when it's available to order :).


Can't WAIT to get my hands on one of these! Your Lenormand is a "Go-To" deck for me :-D