Being a male tarot-enthusiast?


Alright this may sound trite and pointless to most of you, but I was just curious as to anybody's outlook on being a (not to get too personal here) 22 year old male waiter who reads tarot cards.

I definitely realize I'm a male in a predominantly female world here and then on top of that being so young it's nearly impossible to be taken seriously during most normal conversations, let alone if I were to bring up tarot cards!

Anyway I'm not sure what I'm getting at here, but any thoughts are more than welcome.


I don't think you should let your gender or your age hold you back from doing what you want and love to do.

We're all young for a portion of our lives, and everyone at one time or another will find themself in a position where they're in a minority of some kind -- gender or otherwise. It's best to think of these situations as challenges or hurdles, but not impassable ones. Sometimes it can be fun, get you noticed more, and even help you be taken more seriously to be the minority in a group. These kinds of situations can be confidence builders more than they are problems. It all depends on your attitude.

The worst thing about being young is that it's over all too soon. Before you know it, you'll be the old guy reading Tarot cards. And you might be surprised at the number of older people I've heard say they aren't taken seriously because they're not young.

Maybe no one is taken as seriously as we ought to be. . .



You could very easily be a wise old soul tucked away behind a 22 year-old shell. Anyone who dismisses you before they hear what you say based on your age and/or occupation are the ones missing out.

I'm a multiple of your age, but I'm also male in a world that is perceived as being female. (I don't know of any official count of tarot students, readers, etc by gender, so I can't say what percentage of people affiliated with tarot are male or female.) But I don't care about the gender of the person who's talking with/to me about tarot - I care about what that person has to say and/or what I can learn from that person.

>> I << will take you seriously until you give me reason not to....

So :thumbsup: to you,



Both good points. Maybe I do need to just suck it up and stop caring about that stuff. I've not been one to care about how others perceived me before so why now? Maybe I need a vacation while I finish up this deck study. It'd probably also help if virginia had a few more tarot-friendly bookshops nearby to check out!!


Hi Ya,
I really think more and more males are into Tarot, the majority of readers may be female-but more and more guys seem to be joining in!
I think that is a good thing!!


Yeah I suppose if Crowley and Waite and Mathers' crazy selves could deal with being guys doing "chick-stuff" as a coworker so aptly put it, then so can I.


I can remember being young and not being taken seriously. I started studying tarot in my teens and I knew people wouldn't take me seriously so I never said anything until I was in my 20s.

It never bothered me though, when I wasn't taken seriously. I always tried to be as professional and respectful as I could. I knew that I may very well be the only "tarot reader" these people would ever come into contact with and I didn't want to add to the stereotype.

I'm so trying not to ramble on and on. Keep doing what you're doing and don't let anyone get in your way. So what if you're a young waiter/reader? Don't let it hold you back and it won't.

I'm a 31 year old reader with mental health issues. And most of those I read for know it! I'm still surprised when people get all excited to get readings from me. Look at me, talking like I'm all insane. :D

Don't worry, eventually you will come into your own. Just stay true to you.


Hi back again, i was thinking about my personal experiences, I have worked
where the ratio was i think 2 females to 1 male in coffee shops and New -Agey type shops. Employers wanted to have male and female .
Some of the women prefered to see a male reader for a male perspective on boyfriends and how men think, "what's going on with him " so to speak.


Gypsyspell point me toward those shops 'cause I am so there! I think I'm frustrated because of the (not to get offensive) "we don't like yir kind 'round these parts" reaction. Its a little old.

Where are all those crazy sandal-wearing, wheatgrass-lovin, free spirit quacks I keep hearing so much about!? I wanna hang out with them!


The best way to get over these worries is to worry more about your clients. Instead of wondering, "Oh my gosh, are they taking me seriously because I'm young and I'm male?", fix your mind on how you can make THEM feel comfortable and put them at ease or how you can serve them best. It's guaranteed to distract you from yourself and make you feel at ease. :D Try to figure out what their insecurities are so you can take steps to make them relax.