Can anyone suggest a spread for this?


I've done spreads before about my crush, X. I like him alot and I think he likes me too. We're friends but we're not exactly 'close' and a mutual friend of ours, who unfortunately knows how I feel about him, is being really petty over the fact that he's better friends with her and always making sly comments to make me jealous of her, even though he only likes her as a friend. I think he's a little scared of me sometimes.

I don't know if he's put her up to winding me up, but I've spoken to her about it and there's no doubt she's discussed it with him. Last night he REALLY annoyed me. He invited himself along on a trip to the pictures with another friend of ours and all was fine. Then he decided he's not going and had a go at my friend, and then I tried to stop them and he had a go at me! At the same tiem i was arguing with my ex online too, he was asking me to go back out with him and in the end I was so annoyed with my friends I just did to make it look like I didn't care about X anymore. I feel bad about it now, because it was all fine until X and this girl annoyed me so much; we'd been getting on great together! I want to put things right and make it all better, but I have no idea what he's thinking, why this girl is acting so nastily or whether X has anything to do with it.

Can anyone suggest a spread to clear up all this mess?
Thanks in advance x


I had a think, would this be any use for you?

2.Mr X
3 Miss Z
4. you and x
5. you and z
6. z and x
7. What you know about situation
8. What you dont know about situation
9. How to Resolve
0. Possible Outcome. (card 10 but 0 just for layout)


Just off the top of my head so dont worry if you dont fancy it :)


That's perfect :) Thanks very much!


What a neat spread! Brilliant. I was impressed, so I thought I might as well let you know :)

Hope everything works out, Rennie-x!