Can Somebody help me with this Reading?


I did the "Celtic Cross"spread,and I asked about I guy that care about but the last time I talke to him he was in a realationship,I asked where it was.

1.Your Current Circumstances:"Three Of Swords"

2.What's helping or hindering you:"Two Of Swords"

3.The Best you can do at present:"Nine Of Wands"

4.Hidden factors around you:Eight Of Swords"

5.The effect of the past:"The Star"

6.Your next move:"The Fool"

7.How you see yourself:"Page Of Cups"

8.How others see you:"Judgment"

9.Hopes or fears:"Two Of cups"

10.Outcome:"Ace Of Cups"

This is how it is in my book,what do yall get from this?

Thanks a lot!


Hi Missy -

I'd like to take a try at your reading but first I have a question about your question. Did you ask where your relationship with him may be headed OR where his current relationship (with the other girl) is going? Also, does he know you like him?

~ january


january (19 Nov, 2001 09:27):
Hi Missy -

I'd like to take a try at your reading but first I have a question about your question. Did you ask where your relationship with him may be headed OR where his current relationship (with the other girl) is going? Also, does he know you like him?

~ january

Hi January,
no.he dosen't know that I like him,I wante to know where his realationship with hus current girlfriend is and is it going to last,like,how is it going.



Hmmm… it looks like there’s a lot of tension going on inside this relationship but on the outside, they make it at least seem like they’re happy. There’s some kind of heartbreak or disappointment currently (3 of Swords) which is being ignored or refused to acceptance (2 of swords). This leads to the defensiveness of the 9 of Wands and restrictive (usually self-imposed) feelings of the 8 of Swords. The newness or beginning of hope in the past (The Star) leads to the incoming influence of The Fool – starting all over again as if nothing happened. On the outside, however it looks like they’re the happy couple, as the Page of Cups calls to romance, however his atmosphere is one of big changes and possibly a need for forgiveness. It looks like they hope to renew the relationship (2 of Cups) and start anew (Ace of Cups). I don’t know anything about your friend’s relationship, so I can can be way off, so these are just ideas.

Also, when you did your reading your own feelings could have presented themselves in the cards. Are these YOUR feelings of restrictions and disappointment knowing he has a girlfriend? Are there YOUR hopes that you’ll form a couple with him and start a romance? Maybe try to do a reading about you and how you really feel about your friend. That may give you a clearer picture and something to meditate on.

Aside from the reading, probably the best YOU can do right now is be his friend and confidante. Talk about life in general and common interests. We can never be sure what will happen in the future, but some very good relationships come out of friendships! (watch ‘When Harry Met Sally’). I’ve always found it best to put energy into myself, it really makes you glow from the inside!

Hope this helps!

~ january