interpretation needed


OK..pretty much nothing interesting is going on in my life now...not that that's bad, but anyway...I did a love reading for myself and I haven't read cards in a few months and some help interpreting would help me a bunch. (Celtic Cross, Zerner-Farber deck)

S - King of Cups
1 - The World
2 - NIne of Swords (crosses S) what blocks you
3 - 6 of cups (below) root of question
4 - Queen of Cups (left) past
5 - Five of Cups (above) spiritual lesson
6 - Hanged man (right) future
7 - 3 of pentacles
8 - 8 of swords
9 - 4 of cups
10 - Judgement

Oh and I drew a clarification card for the outcome and I got the 3 of Cups. If anyone can help, it would be appreciated.


I wasn’t sure if you were still looking for help with this reading or not but I stumbled across it and thought I would give it a go.

The world card in position one could be showing that you have reached the end of a phase and that as you said nothing new is going on in your life.

The 9 of swords shows that you could be holding yourself back with worries and sleepless nights that aren’t necessary. Maybe you have something on your mind that is causing you anguish.

The 6 of cups could be showing that you tend to dwell on the past, I think it is possible that there is someone in the past you keep thinking back to and concentrating on too much.

The q of cups shows that in the past you were in love and was very open with someone. You gave a lot of love to this person.

At the moment it would seem that your spiritual lesson is to let things go. You can’t dwell on the things you don’t have anymore and need to focus on what you do have.

The future shows a need to look at things in a new way. You may have to give of yourself a bit more in order to start getting things back but ultimately the hanged man shows a learning of new ways and a change of thought. It looks like in the future you will learn to see things differently.

The 3 of pentacles is showing that you would like people to appreciate you and how much you work towards relationships. You need to feel appreciated and know that people admire you for who you are.

The 8 of swords shows that others may think you are holding yourself back. It could be that they see you as too afraid to take steps forward in the love area of your life.

The four of cups is another card that suggests you need to find new ways of dong things. It could be that you will need to learn that there is help available to you and other solutions to your problems other than cutting yourself off.

The final outcome is a bit tricky. I think this card is saying that you will see where things went wrong and at the same time you will see how things could have been done differently. Ultimately if you are willing to learn the lessons you will be rewarded greatly so there is a lot of hope for you as far as relationships go.

The 3 of cups backs the final card up as it suggests a time when you will be able to celebrate or be around people that care for you. Certainly happy times ahead.

And I have just realised that I have done this without knowing if you are single or not lol. If I am completely on the wrong track here just ignore me!



lol..NO Lisa, you were actually right on track. I think I know who the person I'm thinking about is. I don't think about him because I want him back, but I think about him because I resent the fact I spent such a long time chasing him around when nothing came of it except for my broken heart. He lied to me, led me on to believe that he wanted me, when in all actuallity he was just going on a big ego trip. So I think I spend to much of my time being angry about it when I should just get over it and take it as one of those life lessons learned. Thanks so much for your help. I really needed it.


Im glad i managed to help in some way. it makes a change lol.
