Card combos


I have always read the 6th card ( influence coming into the future) and the 10th card (outcome) as kind of a pair. When asking about an ex (split for over a year) and why he is going to same event as I am..I got High Priestess and Ace of Cups? Not sure if this means he is secretly in love with someone else who is going?


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You are talking about the celtic cross spread? If that is the case 6 and 10th positions can have influences on one another. High Priestess could mean other woman or he has a secret. The Ace of cups in the outcome could be a rekindling of the relationship(his hopes of one), or if the case is another woman a new budding romance. The other cards in the spread should shead some light.


Thank you..

yes I am speaking of the celtic cross spread. I have gotten into the habit of reading the 6th and the 10th card together. Not sure if that is the best approach...


I'd see 6th as potential and 10 as actual outcome. Of course these depend on the choices you make/actions you take. And as Nisaba said, surrounding cards have a bearing or reinforce advice or circumstances to take into consideration. The event itself is part of this question, if it's a party he could hope to meet someone he hasn't met, etc


Could it be possible that you, at some deep level that you don't want to acknowledge, are still in love with him?

If that's the case, then the High Priestess could represent that part of you that you've tried to deny. It could represent some sort of feelings you've been hiding from yourself, and its position in the future could mean that those feelings will soon be brought to the light.

The Ace of Cups could mean a rekindling of the romance, or perhaps wishful thinking. What were the cards in the position of the Crowning card and the foundation? (I've seen different layouts list the order differently, but I'm talking about the cards directly above and below the first card).

The Ace of Cups could also mean that you need to look at whether or not you're truly satisfied with your situation. Do you want him back? Would it bother you to see him in love with someone else?

Hope that helps!


Thank you...

Yes it would bother me to see him in love with someone else. It would be partically cruel of him to be going with someone else... since he flipped a switch and ended us for a really stupid reason. Even though it will be almost a year and a half by then, he knows how much I want to re-do this event. Two years ago we went together (we were hiding our relationship from our kids, which after almost a year of dating he did not want to change), b/c I ran into my son's father (whom I had not seen for 11years and my son has never met). It was a traumatic day for me. It is a public event and he knows the way up to the top of the Mt., he doesn't have to sign up for a hike led by my friend (whom he doesn't like). I guess I'll re-read closer to the day(in October).