cards of marriage



can anyone tell me which cards in the Crowley deck may indicate marriage?
For example as an outcome or result card. Can XIV. (Art) suggest something like that? (The sequence in the reading was VII. Chariot - III. Empress - XIV. Art)

Thanks in advance!


Hello Guarana

You may wish to consider that Any & All of the cards
may signify to you what it is that you are asking of...

See how you know already before you begin to read,
that it is already clear in your heart what you think.




Hi Fulgour,

and thanks for your useful insight. Of course I know that when I do a reading for myself, the cards are all related to the question I am asking of or what I am wishing for. (Even if this spread was not specifically about love, but about the Magician in me...)
I also know that this is a serious temptation for beginners - to "overread" the cards or - as in my case - to seek constant re-enforcement about things we already know or would like to happen or expect them to happen and we want them to happen faster. I have to admit this and I try to reduce the number of readings I do for myself about a certain question.
I just liked this combination very much: will and optimism, trust in my feminity and a union, a fusion of things. But maybe this should already go into the "Your readings" section :)
What my question was and remains is if there are certain cards or combination of cards that TYPICALLY stand for marriage.


Hum...let me try.

Ten of Cups is a traditional 'happy end' card - so if the marriage is a happy end to you, that's one card that can mean it, specially because in many decks it shows a couple.

Nine of Cups is traditionally, even in normal cartomancy, the 'wish fulfilled' card...this one needs a more specific question, though, since it can be any wish.

The Lovers could be a marriage card, even in Crowley it shows two people that look like they are marrying...but i wouldn't trust 100% in the Lovers because it's a card of choice, free will...the choice can change, things can get a different way. I'd say the person who gets 'the Lovers' in a marriage question is unsure if he/she wants to marry or not, or is just speculating.

The Hierophant is another traditional marriage card since he is, well, a priest.

The Justice doesn't mean marriage itself, but can related to the legal part...paper work, documents and the like. If you get the Temperance/Art with it, then be prepared for some long time to get things ready.

That's all i can think of now. Hope that helps!

:TPW Yuko


Just to add one which others may strongly disagree, and is a bit odd, but I have come across people saying that it could be that, and that is The Devil.

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this but perhaps Ten of Pentacles, Temperance, The High Priestess and Justice.



The hierophant is the card of sociality and "public actions" which requires some degree of conformity or standardization. If this card comes up, take note on what cards surround it.


Just had a brainwave!!

Three of cups, definitely.

Four of Wands, maybe!



thanks a lot,

you have helped me a lot! I only wish that I could trust my intuition more about what I want to find out.... And my problem is that I always want more and more assurance and re-assurance that what I want is right for me and I am looking for this re-inforcement in the cards. I know it is wrong, but how can I help it????



How does temperance relate to marriage?


Temperance could mean cooperation, sharing and compromise in relationships. It could also signify successful and contented connections with others.

Could quite easily translate to marriage, I would have thought!!!!!!!!!!
